Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Bliss

Grace understands the complexity of wellness, joy and longevity in these current times. Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Bliss. Quantum Nurse (QN) is a source of world views of documented truth, actual science, established facts, un-biased health/medical information and unmanipulated data in a world that seems to be lost in fear and confusion

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Thursday Jul 20, 2023

Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurse.life presents
On Thursday July 20, 2023 @ 12:00 PM EST 5:00 PM UK 6:00 PM Germany
Guest: Dr. Peter McCullough
Topic: The Dangers of Transgenderism
Dr. McCullough is an internist, cardiologist, epidemiologist managing the cardiovascular complications of both the viral infection and the injuries developing after the COVID-19 vaccine in Dallas TX, USA.  Since the outset of the pandemic, Dr. McCullough has been a leader in the medical response to the COVID-19 disaster and has published “Pathophysiological Basis and Rationale for Early Outpatient Treatment of SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19) Infection” the first synthesis of sequenced multidrug treatment of ambulatory patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 in the American Journal of Medicine and subsequently updated in Reviews in Cardiovascular Medicine.  He has 51 peer-reviewed publications on the infection and has commented extensively on the medical response to the COVID-19 crisis in TheHill, America Out Loud, and on FOX NEWS Channel.  On November 19, 2020, Dr. McCullough testified in the US Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs and throughout 2021 in the Texas Senate Committee on Health and Human Services, Colorado General Assembly, New Hampshire Senate, and South Carolina Senate concerning many aspects of the pandemic response.  Dr. McCullough has two years of dedicated academic and clinical efforts in combating the SARS-CoV-2 virus and in doing so, has reviewed thousands of reports, participated in scientific congresses, group discussions, press releases, and has been considered among the world's experts on COVID-19.  
Dr. McCullough and John Leake co-authored the book “The Courage to Face Covid-19: Preventing Hospitalization and Death while Battling the Bio-Pharmaceutical Complex”.
https://petermcculloughmd.substack.com/ (Courageous Discourse – Dr. Peter McCullough and John Leake)
Interview Panel
TIP/DONATE LINK for Grace Asagra @ Quantum Nurse Podcast
Venmo  - @Grace-Asagra 609-203-5854
Interview Panel
Grace Asagra, RN MA (Holistic Nurse, US, originally from the Phil)Podcast:  Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Blesswww.quantumnurse.life
Quantum Nurse - Bichute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nDjE6Ciyg0ED/
Quantum Nurse – Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-of-the-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Earth Heroes TVhttp://www.earthheroestv.com/categories/the-freedom-broadcasters?via=grace
Quantum Nurse Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-764837
Quantum Nurse Podbean https://graceasagra.podbean.com
Quantum Nurse ClickView   https://clikview.com/@QuantumNurse
Quantum Nurse Telegram https://t.me/+WvhvT51LurozMTcx
Hartmut SchumacherPodcast: GO YOUR OWN PATHhttps://anchor.fm/hartmut-schumacher-path
Roy CoughlanPodcast: AWAKENINGhttps://www.awakeningpodcast.org/
TIP/DONATE LINK for Roy Coughlan @ Awakening Podcast

Tuesday Jul 11, 2023

Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurse.life presents
Freedom International Livestream
On July 11,  2023 Tuesday @ 12:00 PM EST 5:00 PM UK 6:00 PM Germany
Guest: Marc Morano
Topic: The Great Reset:  Global Elites and the Permanent Lockdown.
https://www.climatedepot.com/  Twitter @climatedepot
“Morano has risen to be the most savvy media manipulator of the climate skeptic crowd” – Morano “pretty much chewed up Bill Nye the Science Guy on CNN with Piers Morgan a couple of years ago.” – Randy Olson in Dot Earth column at New York Times – April 17, 2016
Climate Depot is “a great aggregation of so many stories — mostly of the radical, unbelievable apocalyptic kind — and it is great reference point for you. You’ll be able to find whatever you want. You’ll be able to find people who advocate for it and have their arguments blown to smithereens.” – Rush Limbaugh during his February 14, 2018 nationally syndicated radio broadcast.“
“[Morano] lays a lot of what this is all about and so many of the false and unscientific basis of which this cause is based on [his] website ClimateDepot.com. I hope people go to it. It’s causing food shortages, it’s causing famines” – Rachel Campos-Duffy on the climate agenda on Fox & Friends – Fox News Channel – October 15, 2022
Published books of Marc Morano:
The Great Reset: Global Elites and the Permanent Lockdown  (Most recent book)
The Politically Incorrect Guide to Climate Change ----
Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal Is Even Worse Than You Think ----
Driving into Darkness ----
Bad Street -----
Interview Panel
TIP/DONATE LINK for Grace Asagra @ Quantum Nurse Podcast
Venmo  - @Grace-Asagra 609-203-5854
Interview Panel
Grace Asagra, RN MA (Holistic Nurse, US, originally from the Phil)Podcast:  Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Blesswww.quantumnurse.life
Quantum Nurse - Bichute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nDjE6Ciyg0ED/
Quantum Nurse – Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-of-the-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Earth Heroes TVhttp://www.earthheroestv.com/categories/the-freedom-broadcasters?via=grace
Quantum Nurse Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-764837
Quantum Nurse Podbean https://graceasagra.podbean.com
Quantum Nurse ClickView   https://clikview.com/@QuantumNurse
Quantum Nurse Telegram https://t.me/+WvhvT51LurozMTcx
Hartmut SchumacherPodcast: GO YOUR OWN PATHhttps://anchor.fm/hartmut-schumacher-path
Roy CoughlanPodcast: AWAKENINGhttps://www.awakeningpodcast.org/
TIP/DONATE LINK for Roy Coughlan @ Awakening Podcast

Thursday Jun 29, 2023

Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurse.life presents
Freedom International Livestream
On June 29, 2023 Thursday @ 12:00 PM EST 5:00 PM UK 6:00 PM Germany
Guest: Dr. Bryan Ardis
Topic: Attack on Humanity:  You are Being Deceived.
In early 2020 Dr. Ardis lost his Father-In-Law because of ill-advised hospital protocols. Since that time Dr Ardis has been on a mission to help educate the public about the dangers to Americans in many of our "institutes of health."  As the CEO of ARDIS LABS Dr. Ardis hopes to inform and inspire those who struggle with personal health issues, deliver real research, & applicable information that can help free Americans from emotional despair created by symptoms and disease. Dr. Ardis 2 practices have helped thousands of patients from all over the world including from as far away as the Philippines, Taiwan, Australia, Barbados, Italy, Scotland & many more. He sold Ardis Healing Center in October of 2018, and now consults the 3 practitioners who have taken over the practice, which now carries the name North Texas Healing Center. Dr. Ardis co-founded and formulates products for TruLabs LLC. 
His podcast "The Dr Ardis Show" can be found on the Dr Ardis Show YouTube page and at www.TheDrArdisShow.com  
Interview Panel
TIP/DONATE LINK for Grace Asagra @ Quantum Nurse Podcast
Venmo  - @Grace-Asagra 609-203-5854
Interview Panel
Grace Asagra, RN MA (Holistic Nurse, US, originally from the Phil)Podcast:  Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Blesswww.quantumnurse.life
Quantum Nurse - Bichute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nDjE6Ciyg0ED/
Quantum Nurse – Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-of-the-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Earth Heroes TVhttp://www.earthheroestv.com/categories/the-freedom-broadcasters?via=grace
Quantum Nurse Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-764837
Quantum Nurse Podbean https://graceasagra.podbean.com
Quantum Nurse ClickView   https://clikview.com/@QuantumNurse
Quantum Nurse Telegram https://t.me/+WvhvT51LurozMTcx
Hartmut SchumacherPodcast: GO YOUR OWN PATHhttps://anchor.fm/hartmut-schumacher-path
Roy CoughlanPodcast: AWAKENINGhttps://www.awakeningpodcast.org/
TIP/DONATE LINK for Roy Coughlan @ Awakening Podcast
Additional resource links mentioned in this podcast:
BOMBSHELL:  Neurological cardiac and general problems from the jab and Remdezivirr are detoxed with the health power of naturally occurring plant based Nicotine...yes Nicotine.....and 35% Food Grade Hydrogen Peroxide FGHP..... we've been lied to again....👇🏿
NIH May 2023 Spike Protein in Jab has similarities to Snake VENOM, HIV, Rabies...ain't "they" sweet. 👇🏼
TIME Magazine Jan 11, 1999(never miss a 666 opp) "The Future of Medicine" with a snake serpent front & center. 👇🏼
Detox and counter vaxx toxins with
Nicotine patch (rugby and Lucy brand)
35% FGHP 6 to 10 drops a day in 8 oz distilled water.
Apple Pectin
Bentonite Clay
Vitamin C
Pyrazene is the chemical used by the cigarette industry that makes nicotine highly addictive which otherwise is not addictive at all..👇🏿
Thank you .  Please support us by your Likes, Share, and Donate  Buttons above to hosts and guest.

Tuesday Jun 20, 2023

Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurse.life presents
Freedom International Livestream
On June 20, 2023 Tuesday @ 12:00 PM EST 5:00 PM UK 6:00 PM Germany
Guest: John Waters
Topic: Unchained: Money for Bad’s Sake
John Waters is an Irish Thinker, Talker, and Writer.  From the life of the spirit of society to the infinite reach of rock ‘n’ roll; from the puzzle of the human ‘I’ to the true nature of money; from the attempted murder of fatherhood to the slow death of the novel, he speaks and writes about the meaning of life in the modern world. 
Interview Panel
TIP/DONATE LINK for Grace Asagra @ Quantum Nurse Podcast
Venmo  - @Grace-Asagra 609-203-5854
Interview Panel
Grace Asagra, RN MA (Holistic Nurse, US, originally from the Phil)Podcast:  Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Blesswww.quantumnurse.life
Quantum Nurse - Bichute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nDjE6Ciyg0ED/
Quantum Nurse – Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-of-the-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Earth Heroes TVhttp://www.earthheroestv.com/categories/the-freedom-broadcasters?via=grace
Quantum Nurse Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-764837
Quantum Nurse Podbean https://graceasagra.podbean.com
Quantum Nurse ClickView   https://clikview.com/@QuantumNurse
Quantum Nurse Telegram https://t.me/+WvhvT51LurozMTcx
Hartmut SchumacherPodcast: GO YOUR OWN PATHhttps://anchor.fm/hartmut-schumacher-path
Dr. Jayne Marquis, ND Podcast: INpowered https://linktr.ee/INpoweredhealth
Roy CoughlanPodcast: AWAKENINGhttps://www.awakeningpodcast.org/
TIP/DONATE LINK for Roy Coughlan @ Awakening Podcast

Thursday Jun 08, 2023

Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurse.life presents
Freedom International Livestream
On June 8, 2023 Thursday @ 12:00 PM EST 5:00 PM UK 6:00 PM Germany
Guest: Dr. Norman Fenton
Topic: Five Stages of Academic Censorship by the Biopharmaceutical Complex
​“I am Professor Emeritus of Risk at Queen Mary University of London (retired as Full Professor Dec 2022) and a Director of Agena, a company that specializes in artificial intelligence and Bayesian probabilistic reasoning. I’m a mathematician by training with current focus on quantifying risk and uncertainty using causal, probabilistic models that combine data and knowledge (Bayesian networks). I have published 7 books and over 400 peer reviewed articles. My works covers multiple domains including especially law and forensics (I've been an expert witness in major criminal and civil cases), and health. Since 2020 I have been active in analysing data related to Covid risk.”
Interview Panel
TIP/DONATE LINK for Grace Asagra  @ Quantum Nurse Podcast
Grace Asagra, RN MA (Holistic Nurse, US, originally from the Phil)Podcast:  Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Blesswww.quantumnurse.life
Quantum Nurse - Bichute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nDjE6Ciyg0ED/
Quantum Nurse – Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-of-the-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Earth Heroes TVhttp://www.earthheroestv.com/categories/the-freedom-broadcasters?via=grace
Quantum Nurse Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-764837
Quantum Nurse Podbean https://graceasagra.podbean.com
Quantum Nurse Clikview  https://clikview.com/@QuantumNurse
Roy CoughlanPodcast: AWAKENINGhttps://www.awakeningpodcast.org/
TIP/DONATE LINK for Roy Coughlan @ Awakening Podcast

Thursday May 18, 2023

Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurse.life presents
Freedom International Livestream
On May 18, 2023 Thursday @ 12:00 PM EST 5:00 PM UK 6:00 PM Germany
Guest: Tim Kirby
Topic: Moving to Russia, Life in Russia
Tim Kirby is an American born Russian Political Analyst and Radio Talk Show host. He has lived in Russia since 2006 and writes on a wide variety of topics from geopolitics to ideology. He also does travel material as well as DIY on YouTube. Kirby also plays for the offensive line of the Moscow Spartans American Football Club.
TIP/DONATE LINK for Grace Asagra @ Quantum Nurse Podcast
Venmo  - @Grace-Asagra 609-203-5854
Interview Panel
Grace Asagra, RN MA (Holistic Nurse, US, originally from the Phil)Podcast:  Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Blesswww.quantumnurse.life
Quantum Nurse - Bichute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nDjE6Ciyg0ED/
Quantum Nurse – Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-of-the-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Earth Heroes TVhttp://www.earthheroestv.com/categories/the-freedom-broadcasters?via=grace
Quantum Nurse Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-764837
Quantum Nurse Podbean https://graceasagra.podbean.com
Quantum Nurse ClickView   https://clikview.com/?ref=410070342631952c00a47c0.19349477
Hartmut SchumacherPodcast: GO YOUR OWN PATHhttps://anchor.fm/hartmut-schumacher-path
John KatsavosPodcast: The Fitness Oraclehttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-fitness-oracle/i

Tuesday May 09, 2023

Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurse.life presents
Freedom International Livestream
On  May 9, 2023 Thursday @ 12:00 PM EST 5:00 PM UK 6:00 PM Germany
Guest: Vanessa Beeley
Topic: " Peace in the Middle East is sending Western Globalists and Israel into a tailspin."
Vanessa Beeley is an independent journalist and photographer who has worked extensively in the Middle East - on the ground in Syria,Egypt, Iraq and Palestine, while also covering the conflict in Yemen since 2015. In 2017 Vanessa was a finalist for the prestigious Martha Gellhorn Prize for Journalism which was won by the much-acclaimed Robert Parry that year. In 2018 Vanessa was named one of the 238 most respected journalists in the UK by the British National Council for the Training of Journalists. In 2019, Vanessa was among recipients of the Serena Shim Award for uncompromised integrity in journalism. Vanessa contributes regularly to Mint Press News, Russia Today, UK Column, The Last American Vagabond, and many other independent media outlets. Please support her work at her Patreon account. https://www.patreon.com/vanessabeeley
TIP/DONATE LINK for Grace Asagra @ Quantum Nurse Podcast
Venmo  - @Grace-Asagra 609-203-5854
Interview Panel
Grace Asagra, RN MA (Holistic Nurse, US, originally from the Phil)Podcast:  Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Blesswww.quantumnurse.life
Quantum Nurse - Bichute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nDjE6Ciyg0ED/
Quantum Nurse – Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-of-the-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Earth Heroes TVhttp://www.earthheroestv.com/categories/the-freedom-broadcasters?via=grace
Quantum Nurse Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-764837
Quantum Nurse Podbean https://graceasagra.podbean.com
Quantum Nurse ClickView   https://clikview.com/?ref=410070342631952c00a47c0.19349477
Hartmut SchumacherPodcast: GO YOUR OWN PATHhttps://anchor.fm/hartmut-schumacher-path
Dr. Jayne Marquis, ND Podcast: INpowered https://linktr.ee/INpoweredhealth
John KatsavosPodcast: The Fitness Oraclehttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-fitness-oracle/i
Roy CoughlanPodcast: AWAKENINGhttps://www.awakeningpodcast.org/
TIP/DONATE LINK for Roy Coughlan @ Awakening Podcast

Thursday May 04, 2023

Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurse.life presents
Freedom International Livestream
On May 4, 2023 Thursday @ 12:00 PM EST 5:00 PM UK 6:00 PM Germany
Guest:  Yves Engler
Topic: Stand On Guard! For Whom? A People’s History of the Canadian Military
Dubbed “Canada’s version of Noam Chomsky” (Georgia Straight), “one of the most important voices on the Canadian Left” (Briarpatch), “in the mould of I. F. Stone” (Globe and Mail), “part of that rare but growing group of social critics unafraid to confront Canada’s self-satisfied myths” (Quill & Quire), “ever-insightful” (Rabble), “Chomsky-styled iconoclast” (Counterpunch) and a “Leftist gadfly” (Ottawa Citizen), Yves Engler (yvesengler.com) has twelve published books. His latest is Stand on Guard for Whom? — A People’s History of the Canadian Military 
Interview Panel
TIP/DONATE LINK for Grace Asagra  @ Quantum Nurse Podcast
Grace Asagra, RN MA (Holistic Nurse, US, originally from the Phil)Podcast:  Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Blesswww.quantumnurse.life
Quantum Nurse - Bichute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nDjE6Ciyg0ED/
Quantum Nurse – Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-of-the-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Earth Heroes TVhttp://www.earthheroestv.com/categories/the-freedom-broadcasters?via=grace
Quantum Nurse Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-764837
Quantum Nurse Podbean https://graceasagra.podbean.com
John KatsavosPodcast: The Fitness Oraclehttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-fitness-oracle/i
Roy CoughlanPodcast: AWAKENINGhttps://www.awakeningpodcast.org/
TIP/DONATE LINK for Roy Coughlan @ Awakening Podcast

Thursday Apr 27, 2023

Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurse.life presents
Freedom International Livestream
On April 27, 2023 Thursday @ 12:00 PM EST 5:00 PM UK 6:00 PM Germany
Guest: Dr.Geert Vanden Bossche
Topic:  The Inescapable Immune Escape Pandemic
Dr. Vanden Bossche received his DVM from the University of Ghent, Belgium, and his PhD degree in Virology from the University of Hohenheim, Germany. He held adjunct faculty appointments at universities in Belgium and Germany. After his career in Academia, Geert joined several vaccine companies (GSK Biologicals, Novartis Vaccines, Solvay Biologicals) to serve various roles in vaccine R&D as well as in late vaccine development. Geert then moved on to join the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation’s Global Health Discovery team in Seattle (USA) as Senior Program Officer; he then worked with the Global Alliance for Vaccines and Immunization (GAVI) in Geneva as Senior Ebola Program Manager and subsequently joined the German Center for Infection Research in Cologne as Head of the Vaccine Development Office. Geert is now primarily serving as a Biotech/ Vaccine consultant while also conducting his own research on Natural Killer cell-based vaccines. As a creative thinker, innovator, entrepreneur and visionary, Geert has been invited to speak at multiple international congresses. His work and supportive advice are driven by a relentless passion to translate scientific breakthrough findings into competitive solutions to emerging challenges in public and global health. Dr. Vanden Bossche has become world famous for warning Humanity against the health danger of conducting mass vaccination programs during a pandemic (March 2021).
Book: The Inescapable Immune Escape Pandemic
Interview Panel
TIP/DONATE LINK for Grace Asagra  @ Quantum Nurse Podcast
Grace Asagra, RN MA (Holistic Nurse, US, originally from the Phil)Podcast:  Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Blesswww.quantumnurse.life
Quantum Nurse - Bichute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nDjE6Ciyg0ED/
Quantum Nurse – Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-of-the-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Earth Heroes TVhttp://www.earthheroestv.com/categories/the-freedom-broadcasters?via=grace
Quantum Nurse Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-764837
Quantum Nurse Podbean https://graceasagra.podbean.com
Dr. Jayne Marquis, ND Podcast: INpowered https://linktr.ee/INpoweredhealth
Roy CoughlanPodcast: AWAKENINGhttps://www.awakeningpodcast.org/
TIP/DONATE LINK for Roy Coughlan @ Awakening Podcast

Friday Apr 21, 2023

Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurse.life presents
Freedom International Livestream
On  Thursday, April 20, 2023 @ 12:00 PM EST 5:00 PM UK 6:00 PM Germany
Guest: Dr Jay Davidson
Topic: Regain Control of Your Health
Dr. Jay Davidson is a two-time #1 international best-selling author and was the host of the Chronic Lyme Disease Summits, the Parasite Summit, Viral & Retroviral Summit and The Mitochondrial Summit. He is the co-founder of the practitioner supplement line CellCore Biosciences.
Books: “How to Fix Lyme Disease”
              “5 Steps to Restoring Health Protocol”
https://cellcore.com/pages/register-customer Patient Direct CodeBXqbah4A
Interview Panel
Grace Asagra, RN MA (Holistic Nurse, US, originally from the Phil)Podcast:  Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Blesswww.quantumnurse.life
Quantum Nurse - Bichute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nDjE6Ciyg0ED/
Quantum Nurse – Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-of-the-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Earth Heroes TVhttp://www.earthheroestv.com/categories/the-freedom-broadcasters?via=grace
Quantum Nurse Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-764837
Quantum Nurse Podbean https://graceasagra.podbean.com
Quantum Nurse ClikView   https://clikview.com/?ref=410070342631952c00a47c0.19349477
Quantum Nurse ClikView https://clikview.com/@QuantumNurse
Hartmut SchumacherPodcast: GO YOUR OWN PATHhttps://anchor.fm/hartmut-schumacher-path
John KatsavosPodcast: The Fitness Oraclehttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-fitness-oracle/i
Roy CoughlanPodcast: AWAKENINGhttps://www.awakeningpodcast.org/

Grace Asagra

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