Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Bliss
Grace understands the complexity of wellness, joy and longevity in these current times. Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Bliss. Quantum Nurse (QN) is a source of world views of documented truth, actual science, established facts, un-biased health/medical information and unmanipulated data in a world that seems to be lost in fear and confusion

Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Wednesday Oct 04, 2023
Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurse.life presents
Freedom International Livestream
On October 4, 2023, Wed @ 12:00 PM EST 5:00 PM UK 6:00 PM Germany
Guest: Daniel Packard
Topic: Anxiety Solutions
U.C. Berkeley Mechanical Engineer, Daniel Packard, turned his painful 10year battle with severe anxiety into a mission to engineer an actualpermanent solution for anxiety. After 8 years of research and testing(working with 3000 people from 5 continents) Daniel and his researchteam made the breakthrough discovery that anxiety is not a problem ofthe mind…but the body. They then used that breakthrough to developworld’s only 6-week process that solves all forms of anxietypermanently…with an astounding 90% success rate.
Daniel will teach your audience the breakthrough discovery that
anxiety is not actually a problem of the mind...but the body.
Simple daily steps anybody (not just people with anxiety) can
take to feel much more calm, grounded, centered and happy.
TIP/DONATE LINK for Grace Asagra @ Quantum Nurse Podcast
Venmo - @Grace-Asagra 609-203-5854
New Quantum Nurse Eternal Health
Grace Asagra, RN MAPodcast: Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Blesswww.quantumnurse.life
Quantum Nurse Eternal Health (Skin Health and Immune Health products)
Quantum Nurse - Bichute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nDjE6Ciyg0ED/
Quantum Nurse ClikView https://clikview.com/?ref=410070342631952c00a47c0.19349477
Quantum Nurse – Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-of-the-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Earth Heroes TVhttp://www.earthheroestv.com/categories/the-freedom-broadcasters?via=grace
Quantum Nurse Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-764837
Quantum Nurse Base-12 Source Code DNA Activations -

Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Tuesday Oct 03, 2023
Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurse.life presents
Freedom International Livestream
Tuesday, October 3, 2023 @ 12:00 PM EST
Guest: Celeste Solum
Topic: Directed Energy Weapons Are Real….and Disruptive
www.celestialreport.com https://shepherdsheart.life/
Throughout history God has called certain women of God to step out from their household into the global stage of history. Celeste became a Christian because of World War II, when her family left their faith, just in case there was another Holocaust. Providentially, she was invited by a neighbor to go to vacation Bible School where she promptly confessed her sin and accepted Jesus as her personal Savior.
Celeste Solum was born for such a time as this. God strategically and gently placed her in careers, events, and situations that are now converging during these End Times. Celeste maintains her strong faith by continual study from the primary languages and concepts of the Bible. She actively explores the depths of faith; is an active prayer warrior skilled in spiritual warfare.
Celeste grew up in a military & governmental home with her father working for the Naval Warfare Center and managing public lands in Washington State and California. She worked for Homeland Security and FEMA. Her training and activations include the infamous day of 911, flood and earthquake operations, mass casualty exercises, and numerous other operations. Celeste is FEMA certified.
Celeste also has education and experience in nursing, pediatrics, dentistry, environmental medicine, and alternative medicinal remedies.
Celeste has prepped all her life learned and actively engages in the art of prepping including all aspects of agriculture.
Celeste goes into places where angels fear to tread to bring you the most relevant and practical news and information that you need to make wise decisions during these perilous times.
Additional Resources:
Prayer Books
Whack a Brain Course Series
Interview Panel:
Grace Asagra, RN MA (Holistic Nurse, US, originally from the Phil)Podcast: Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Blesswww.quantumnurse.life
Quantum Nurse Eternal Health
TIP/DONATE LINK for Grace Asagra @ Quantum Nurse Podcast
Venmo - @Grace-Asagra 609-203-5854
Quantum Nurse - Bichute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nDjE6Ciyg0ED/
Quantum Nurse – Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-of-the-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Earth Heroes TVhttp://www.earthheroestv.com/categories/the-freedom-broadcasters?via=grace
Quantum Nurse Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-764837
Quantum Nurse Podbean https://graceasagra.podbean.com
Quantum Nurse ClikView https://clikview.com/?ref=410070342631952c00a47c0.19349477
Quantum Nurse ClikView https://clikview.com/@QuantumNurse
Dr. Karl Moore, PhDPodcast: Made in Naturehttps://www.facebook.com/MadeInNaturePodcast/
Roy CoughlanPodcast: AWAKENINGhttps://www.awakeningpodcast.org/

Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Thursday Sep 21, 2023
Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurse.life presents
Freedom International Livestream
On Sept 21, 2023 @ 12:00 PM EST 6:00 PM UK 7:00 PM Germany
Guest: Jim Steele
Topic: The Wild Fires Crisis is not a Global Warming Crisis
JIm-Steele You-Tube
“ I earned a BS Ecology and Systematics in 1982 and finalized my MA Biology in 1989, both from San Francisco State University. I was appointed Director of SFSU’s Sierra Nevada Field Campus by the Dean of the College of Science and Engineering in 1984 and retired as Director in 2010. I taught university level classes in ornithology and botany, as well as serving as the Principal Investigator for the Neotropical Migratory Bird Monitoring of Riparian Habitats on the Tahoe National Forest from 1991 to 2007. As an ecologist, in order to understand observed wildlife population changes, I had to understand the effects of landscape changes, fire ecology and climate cycles such as El Nino and La Nina.Causes and dynamics of huge fires such as the 2021 Dixie fire and other northern California fires have been thoroughly studied.”
Author: Landscapes and Cycles: An Environmentalist’s Journey to Climate Skeptticism
Interview Panel
Grace Asagra, RN MA (Holistic Nurse, US, originally from the Phil)Podcast: Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Blesswww.quantumnurse.life
Quantum Nurse - Bichute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nDjE6Ciyg0ED/
Quantum Nurse – Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-of-the-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Earth Heroes TVhttp://www.earthheroestv.com/categories/the-freedom-broadcasters?via=grace
Quantum Nurse Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-764837
Quantum Nurse Podbean https://graceasagra.podbean.com
Quantum Nurse ClikView https://clikview.com/?ref=410070342631952c00a47c0.19349477
Quantum Nurse ClikView https://clikview.com/@QuantumNurse
TIP/DONATE LINK for Grace Asagra @ Quantum Nurse Podcast
Venmo - @Grace-Asagra 609-203-5854
Dr. Karl Moore, PhDPodcast: Made in Naturehttps://www.facebook.com/MadeInNaturePodcast/
Roy CoughlanPodcast: AWAKENINGhttps://www.awakeningpodcast.org/

Friday Sep 15, 2023
Friday Sep 15, 2023
Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurse.life presents
Freedom International Livestream
On Sept 15, 2023 Friday @ 12:00 PM EST 6:00 PM UK 7:00 PM Germany
Guest: Dr. Darren Schmidt, DC
Topic: The Science Behind Diet and Nutrition.
Dr. Darren Schmidt is a Chiropractor who has been focusing 100% on clinical nutrition since 1998. He owns the Nutritional Healing Center of Ann Arbor and is also a professional speaker on health.
Dr. Schmidt grew up working on his family’s farm beginning at the age of 9. He graduated from chiropractic school and started practicing in 1997. He uses nutrition to get to the root cause of health problems since nutrition is the foundation of all health. He currently has a practice called The Nutritional Healing Center of Ann Arbor. His purpose in life is bankrupt drug companies by helping lots of people become healthy.
Dr. Schmidt has co-founded two other business. One is the Good Fat Company (www.goodfat.bar) which makes a ketogenic snack bar. The other is Power Nutrition Practice (www.powernutritionpractice.com) which trains office staff and practitioners of nutrition clinics.
Interview Panel
Grace Asagra, RN MA (Holistic Nurse, US, originally from the Phil)Podcast: Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Blesswww.quantumnurse.life
Quantum Nurse - Bichute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nDjE6Ciyg0ED/
Quantum Nurse – Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-of-the-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Earth Heroes TVhttp://www.earthheroestv.com/categories/the-freedom-broadcasters?via=grace
Quantum Nurse Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-764837
Quantum Nurse Podbean https://graceasagra.podbean.com
Quantum Nurse ClikView https://clikview.com/?ref=410070342631952c00a47c0.19349477
Quantum Nurse ClikView https://clikview.com/@QuantumNurse
TIP/DONATE LINK for Grace Asagra @ Quantum Nurse Podcast
Venmo - @Grace-Asagra 609-203-5854
Dr. Karl Moore, PhDPodcast: Made in Naturehttps://www.facebook.com/MadeInNaturePodcast/

Friday Sep 01, 2023
Friday Sep 01, 2023
Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurse.life presents
On Friday, Sept 1, 2023 @ 12:00 PM EST 5:00PM UK 6:00 PM Germany
Topic: Healing for the A.G.E.S Conference – Sept 8-9,2023
In this livestream, I am eager to share with you the details of one of a kind health conference – Healing for the A.G.E.S – led by Dr. Bryan Ardis, Dr. Edward Group III, Dr. Henry Ealy and Dr. Jana Schmidt -on September 8-9, 2023.
Important links are below. You can check it out before or after livestream.
Register: https://www.healingfortheages.com/
Virtual Registration 10% Discount Code: QUANTUMNURSE
For in-person registration, you might end up receiving an email with a referral code that would help your registration cost.
Let’s do what good families do for each other and spread the word to at least one person you love about the FULL CONFERENCE EXPERIENCE. They can still join us virtually! OR, at the very least sign up for the FREE Virtual Masterclass with the Big 4 Healers on Thursday, September 7th at 5pm Central.
TIP/DONATE LINK for Grace Asagra @ Quantum Nurse Podcast
Venmo - @Grace-Asagra 609-203-5854
Podcast Host:
Grace Asagra, RN MA (Holistic Nurse, US, originally from the Phil)Podcast: Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Blesswww.quantumnurse.life
Quantum Nurse - Bichute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nDjE6Ciyg0ED/
Quantum Nurse – Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-of-the-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Earth Heroes TVhttp://www.earthheroestv.com/categories/the-freedom-broadcasters?via=grace
Quantum Nurse Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-764837
Quantum Nurse Podbean https://graceasagra.podbean.com
Quantum Nurse ClikView https://clikview.com/?ref=410070342631952c00a47c0.19349477
Quantum Nurse ClikView https://clikview.com/@QuantumNurse

Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Thursday Aug 31, 2023
Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurse.life presents
Freedom International Livestream
On Aug 31, 2023 Thursday @ 12:00 PM EST 5:00 PM UK 6:00 PM Germany
Guest: Alex Krainer
Topic: “We’ve reached the end of western colonialism!”
Alex Krainer is a market analyst, researcher, futures trader, investor, author and former hedge fund manager based in Monaco. He was born and raised in the socialist regime of former Yugoslavia, under one-party communist rule. At 17 he joined a student exchange program in the United States where he also took up his university studies. From there his path led to Switzerland on a scholarship where he completed a degree in Business and Economics and advanced to a masters program. From Switzerland he moved to Venezuela where he lived for a year and experienced his first banking crisis in 1994. Nine of Venezuela’s 16 largest banks failed and brought the country’s economy to a grinding halt. That year he returned to his native Croatia and joined the military where he served through 1995 during the last phases of Croatia’s war of independence. In 1996, upon discharge from the military, he took employment at an oil trading company in Monaco. In 1998 he became the head of risk and in 2000 the company's CEO. He had originated the firm’s research and development program in market analysis and application of neural networks and artificial intelligence in trading financial and commodities markets. By 2007 he launched his own investment management company and was among the small minority of managers who generated positive investment returns (+27% net of fees) during the 2008 financial crisis. Over the following six years, his hedge fund outperformed the Dow Jones Credit Suisse index of Blue Chip managed futures funds. In 2011 Alex Joined Lee Robinson’s Altana Wealth to manage the firm’s tail risk strategy. From 2012 to 2019, always relying on I-System strategies, this fund outperformed the EurekaHedge Tail Risk Index. In 2020 he set up Krainer Analytics to provide turn-key portfolio solutions and trading decision support to third party investment managers.
"Alex Krainer's Trend Following Bible" (2021) - free download
"Grand Deception: The Truth About Bill Browder, Magnitsky Act and Anti-Russia Sanctions" (2017) twice banned on Amazon by orders of swamp creatures from the U.S. StateDepartment.
“Mastering Uncertainty in Commodities Trading" (2016) was rated #1 book on commoditiesfor investors and traders by co.uk - free download
Day-job web page: ISystem-TF.com
Blog: com
Substack: Alex Krainer's Trend Compass
ZeroHedge articles: https://www.zerohedge.com/contributors/44505
LinkedIn: linkedin.com/in/alex-sasha-krainer-0b74ab1a
TIP/DONATE LINK for Grace Asagra @ Quantum Nurse Podcast
Venmo - @Grace-Asagra 609-203-5854
Grace Asagra, RN MA (Holistic Nurse, US, originally from the Phil)Podcast: Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Blesswww.quantumnurse.life
Quantum Nurse - Bichute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nDjE6Ciyg0ED/
Quantum Nurse ClikView https://clikview.com/?ref=410070342631952c00a47c0.19349477
Quantum Nurse – Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-of-the-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Earth Heroes TVhttp://www.earthheroestv.com/categories/the-freedom-broadcasters?via=grace
Quantum Nurse Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-764837
Quantum Nurse Base-12 Source Code DNA Activations -
Roy CoughlanPodcast: AWAKENINGhttps://www.awakeningpodcast.org/
TIP/DONATE LINK for Roy Coughlan @ Awakening Podcast

Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Wednesday Aug 23, 2023
Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurse.life presents
On Wednesday, August 23, 2023 @ 12:30 PM EST 5:30 PM UK 6:30 PM Germany
Guest: Dr. Daved Rosensweet, MD
Topic: Happy, Healthy Hormones: How to Thrive in Menopause.
Bio: "Daved Rosensweet MD is the Founder of The Institute of BioIdentical Medicine and The Menopause Method, as well as the author of three books on the subject including his latest "Happy Healthy Hormones". Dr. Rosensweet graduated from the University of Michigan Medical School in 1968. Early in his career, Dr. Rosensweet trained the first nurse practitioners in the United States and was in charge of health promotion for the State of New Mexico.
He is a nationally known lecturer and presenter at The American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M), The American College for Advancement in Medicine (ACAM), The Age Management Medicine Group (AMMG), and more. In 2019, he was called to Washington to speak in front of The National Academies of Science Engineering and Medicine (NASEM) on “The Safety and Efficacy of Bioidentical Hormones.”
Through The Menopause Method and The Institute of BioIdentical Medicine, Dr. Rosensweet is training medical professionals to master cBHRT using the most advanced and modern tools. His protocol has been used to treat more than 12,000 women.
Here is a short clip of Dr. Rosensweet talking about how he began to do the work he doeshttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7LQJ06TXGQ8
Additional resources:
Subscribe to Dr. Daved Rosensweet’s newsletter andDownload Dr. Rosensweet’s book “Happy Healthy Hormones” for free
TIP/DONATE LINK for Grace Asagra @ Quantum Nurse Podcast
Venmo - @Grace-Asagra 609-203-5854
Interview Panel
Grace Asagra, RN MA (Holistic Nurse, US, originally from the Phil)Podcast: Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Blesswww.quantumnurse.life
Quantum Nurse - Bichute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nDjE6Ciyg0ED/
Quantum Nurse – Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-of-the-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Earth Heroes TVhttp://www.earthheroestv.com/categories/the-freedom-broadcasters?via=grace
Quantum Nurse Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-764837
Quantum Nurse Podbean https://graceasagra.podbean.com
Quantum Nurse ClikView https://clikview.com/?ref=410070342631952c00a47c0.19349477
Quantum Nurse ClikView https://clikview.com/@QuantumNurse

Monday Aug 21, 2023
Monday Aug 21, 2023
Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurse.life presents
Freedom International Livestream
On Aug 17, 2022 Thursday @ 12:00 PM EST 6:00 PM UK 7:00 PM Germany
Guest: Stan Bogdanov
Topic: "An Alternate View From Our Cozy Mordor”
Born in USSR in 1972, educated in strategic management
Former translator who worked with quite a few VIP's, IT specialist for over 20 years,
Happily married on a lady who lived for over 30 years in Crimea (both in Soviet times and under Ukrainian rule)
Interview Panel
TIP/DONATE LINK for Grace Asagra @ Quantum Nurse Podcast
Venmo - @Grace-Asagra 609-203-5854
Interview Panel
Grace Asagra, RN MA (Holistic Nurse, US, originally from the Phil)Podcast: Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Blesswww.quantumnurse.life
Quantum Nurse - Bichute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nDjE6Ciyg0ED/
Quantum Nurse – Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-of-the-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Earth Heroes TVhttp://www.earthheroestv.com/categories/the-freedom-broadcasters?via=grace
Quantum Nurse Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-764837
Quantum Nurse Podbean https://graceasagra.podbean.com
Quantum Nurse ClikView https://clikview.com/?ref=410070342631952c00a47c0.19349477
Quantum Nurse ClikView https://clikview.com/@QuantumNurse
Hartmut SchumacherPodcast: GO YOUR OWN PATHhttps://anchor.fm/hartmut-schumacher-path
Roy CoughlanPodcast: AWAKENINGhttps://www.awakeningpodcast.org/

Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Wednesday Aug 09, 2023
Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurse.life presents
Freedom International Livestream
On Tuesday, August 8 , 2023 @ 12:00 PM EST 5:00 PM UK 6:00 PM Germany
Guest: Katherine Watt
Topic: Stay as out-of-date as possible on the CDC-recommended biochemical weapons schedule.
Katherine Watt earned a philosophy and natural sciences degree from Penn State in 1996 and then worked as a reporter for small newspapers. In 2003 she earned a paralegal certificate and has provided legal research and writing for small firms practicing constitutional, civil rights and environmental law. She also published several independent journalism blogs and worked on local food, water and energy security campaigns. She founded Bailiwick News in 2016. Since early 2020, Katherine has focused on Covid-19 issues, including legal framework investigations. She is married with two children, and lives and works in Pennsylvania.
Gen-X Catholic writer, paralegal, printmaker, wife and mother
Gen-X Catholic writing about Covid-times law, geopolitics, philosophy and theology.
“We are no longer sovereign citizens of a functioning Constitutional republic.” Catherine Watt
TIP/DONATE LINK for Grace Asagra @ Quantum Nurse Podcast
Venmo - @Grace-Asagra 609-203-5854
Interview Panel
Grace Asagra, RN MA (Holistic Nurse, US, originally from the Phil)Podcast: Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Blesswww.quantumnurse.life
Quantum Nurse - Bichute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nDjE6Ciyg0ED/
Quantum Nurse – Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-of-the-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Earth Heroes TVhttp://www.earthheroestv.com/categories/the-freedom-broadcasters?via=grace
Quantum Nurse Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-764837
Quantum Nurse Podbean https://graceasagra.podbean.com
Quantum Nurse ClikView https://clikview.com/?ref=410070342631952c00a47c0.19349477
Quantum Nurse ClikView https://clikview.com/@QuantumNurse
Hartmut SchumacherPodcast: GO YOUR OWN PATHhttps://anchor.fm/hartmut-schumacher-path
Roy CoughlanPodcast: AWAKENINGhttps://www.awakeningpodcast.org/

Friday Jul 28, 2023
Friday Jul 28, 2023
Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurse.life presents
Freedom International Livestream
On July 27, 2023 Thursday @ 12:00 PM EST 5:00 PM UK 6:00 PM Germany
Guest: Matthew Ehret
Topic: Power w/ Responsibility: BRICS, Belt & Road Initiative, Connecting African Countries, etc
https://risingtidefoundation.net/ https://canadianpatriot.org/
Matthew is a journalist and co-founder of theRising Tide Foundation. He is the Editor-in-Chief of Canadian Patriot Review, Senior Fellow at the American University of Moscow and BRI Expert for Rogue News. Matthew has published scientific articles with 21st Century Science and Technology, Nexus, Principia Scientifica, and is a regular author on Strategic Culture, Washington Times, The Cradle and Global Research. He has authored the book series “The Untold History of Canada” and the recently published book series“The Clash of the Two Americas. Volumes 1-3: Vol 1- The Unfinished Symphony, Vol 2- Open vs. Closed System and vol 3 - most recent - The Birth of a Eurasian Manifest Destiny.”
Other publications:
Breaking Free of Anti-China Psyops: How the Cold War is being revived and what you can do about it - Matthew Ehret, Cynthia Chung
Steve Bannon and Matthew Ehret Last American Vagabond -
Caution -Check this out- "How Green Are the Nazis"- 'Theosophists of Navasky"
Movie recommended – “The Man Who Knew Too Much” https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0049470/
Interview Panel
TIP/DONATE LINK for Grace Asagra @ Quantum Nurse Podcast
Venmo - @Grace-Asagra 609-203-5854
Interview Panel
Grace Asagra, RN MA (Holistic Nurse, US, originally from the Phil)Podcast: Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Blesswww.quantumnurse.life
Quantum Nurse - Bichute https://www.bitchute.com/channel/nDjE6Ciyg0ED/
Quantum Nurse – Apple https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-of-the-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Earth Heroes TVhttp://www.earthheroestv.com/categories/the-freedom-broadcasters?via=grace
Quantum Nurse Rumble https://rumble.com/c/c-764837
Quantum Nurse Podbean https://graceasagra.podbean.com
Quantum Nurse ClickView https://clikview.com/@QuantumNurse
Quantum Nurse Telegram https://t.me/+WvhvT51LurozMTcx
Hartmut SchumacherPodcast: GO YOUR OWN PATHhttps://anchor.fm/hartmut-schumacher-path
Roy CoughlanPodcast: AWAKENINGhttps://www.awakeningpodcast.org/
TIP/DONATE LINK for Roy Coughlan @ Awakening Podcast