Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Bliss

Grace understands the complexity of wellness, joy and longevity in these current times. Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Bliss. Quantum Nurse (QN) is a source of world views of documented truth, actual science, established facts, un-biased health/medical information and unmanipulated data in a world that seems to be lost in fear and confusion

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Monday Nov 09, 2020

Chris Ryan is a construction background, carpenter/ site manager/project manager, worked in Ireland, UK, Australia and New Zealand. He has 12 years in martial arts both training and teaching ranking 3rd dan black belt. Recently podcasting. MindWars podcast.
The topics presented revolved around censorship, current plandemic, freedom of speech and 5G.
To write more on what he shared would not do justice. To listen to the voice of an ordinary working man turned advocate for truth and justice is necessary to motivate a change. It is not surprising that he is getting a trigger moment at night from my daily research that I want to go back down the rabbit hole searching for more before I sleep
When asked what his advise would be for someone who is caring for a Dementia loved one, his response could be summarized to " To care and look after yourself and your own health first as without doing so you will not be able to care for a loved one to your full ability."
Quantum Affirmation: Go With the Natural Flow. " I choose to be organized, efficient, capable and productive. My work day flows easily and seamlessly. My records are organized and easy to find." (Read aloud 3x in the morning, noon and evening.)
other links and good sources for truth you might want.
United Nations Agenda 21 https://sandiadams.uk
The crowhouse. https://www.bitchute.com/channel/tj99AwcN3zlH/
David Icke. https://www.bitchute.com/channel/weBLW8e6mgIB/
Expert Barrie Trower on 5G dangers https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2pFjB59694o
World economic forum - https://www.weforum.org
Robert F Kennedy jr - https://childrenshealthdefense.org
Some random links to various videos and articles
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra

Friday Nov 06, 2020

Peter Colaric is a singer/songwriter from Slovenia. Making music for about 8 years. Been on YouTube for Quite a While, 2 old channels that have music covers (IndieCode, Late Productions). My whole life people have tried to divert me from music and video making, until I realized it was the only thing that I really cared about. And here I am.
In this conversation, we talked about musical experience in the past (Teaching guitar, making songs together with Peter's friends, helping out in a musical studio, Songwriting journey), how a song got created (Play it too maybe), Peter's songwriting course and his journey out of the mental health system and learning empowerment in shadow work. (Shadow work is working with subconscious and healing traumas, emotional work, awesome stuff).
When asked the question on an advice for someone who is caring for a Dementia loved one, he said " You are taking on a really difficult task, and I’m so grateful that your loved one has someone to take care of them."
Quantum Affirmation: Asking for Guidance- "Whenever I need answers, I humbly ask for spiritual guidance. I am open to the answers I receive . Then I act with love and thanksgiving. " (Read aloud 3x in the morning, noon and evening. Feel the words.)
Contact for Peter:
Facebook page:
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com

Wednesday Nov 04, 2020

Mary Tapa is a Heart-centered CertifiedTransformational Life Coach and Speaker. A Broadcaster who has also been a customer Service Representative for over 10 years great in Personal Management. The CEO of Impact Notary Public whose aim is to support clients in senior Citizen Buildings, with personalized customer experience. She is also a Certified Health coach.
She is very passionate in her Broadcasting platform Insight Out Alignment, a platform for Self-discovery and Creativity.
Mary took us into the stories on self-care, thoughts, clarity and our words
Mary Tapa is a Heart-centered Certify Transformational Life Coach and Speaker. A Broadcaster who has also been a customer Service Representative for over 10 years great in Personal Management. The CEO of Impact Notary Public whose aim is to support clients in senior Citizen Buildings, with personalized customer experience. She is also a Certified Health coach.
She is very passionate in her Broadcasting platform Insight Out Alignment, a platform for Self-discovery and Creativity.
When asked the question on what would you say to someone who is caring for a Dementia loved one, she responds, " First to practice self-love, so that they are grounded in caring for their love one with love and compassion."
Quantum Affirmation: Exuberant Growth- The more I help others selflessly, The more I can exuberantly grow and prosper.
What I send out into the worlds is returned to me many fold." (Read aloud 3x in the morning, noon and evening. Feel the words.)
Contact for Mary Tapa
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com

Tuesday Nov 03, 2020

Guest BIo * Dr. Mary Elizabeth Mansfield- graduated with a doctorate of pharmacy from the University at Buffalo in 2008 and has worked in various settings such as community pharmacy, hospital and for an insurance company. She is the creator and host of Mindful Empowerment, a broadcast on natural health and wellness providing people with the opportunity to make more informed choices on their health and helping them to live healthier and happier lives.
Topics covered:
influenza vaccine
whole health approach- physical, mental, emotional, spiritual
importance of informed health decisions
Quantum Affirmation: Unlimited Wealth- I am blessed with unlimited opportunities for wealth and solid financial support. The wealth and abundance of the universe is mine. My wealth also includes knowledge, friendships, good health, and valuable relationships. I am unstoppable. (Set an intention. Read aloud 3x in the morning, noon and evening. Feel the words.)
Contact for guest:
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com/

Monday Nov 02, 2020

Roy Coughlan is an Irish but living in Poland, Host of 4 Podcasts - The speaking Podcast, The Meditation Podcast, Learn Polish Podcast and the Awakening Podcast. He is a Serial Entrepreneur and currently writing 4 books.
This conversation covered topics on awakening , corruption, his podcasting and current global situations. The bottom line is that there is more than meets the eyes.
When asked what his goals for the next 5 years, he responds "Make Positive Change to the World"
And his insights to someone who is caring for a Dementia loved one, he says, "To care and look after yourself and your own health first as without doing so you will not be able to care for a loved one to your full ability."
Quantum Affirmation: Daily Opportunities "Abundant opportunities come to me everyday. It is up to me to recognize and accept them. The universe sends me messengers and I listen to their messages. I choose to receive many blessings with thanksgiving. " (Read this aloud 3x in the morning, noon and evening. Feel each word.)
Contact info for Roy Coughlan
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com

Friday Oct 30, 2020

Kim Leary (Alexia) is a world dance performer, choreographer and instructor in Central New Jersey. She is Co-Artistic Director of Groove Merchant Drum & Dance Ensemble and Co-Director of her school, The Drum & Dance Learning Center in residence at YWCA Princeton, New Jersey. Kim has been involved in the multi-cultural music and dance genre since 1989.
Ms. Leary has performed at numerous venues such as Lincoln Center, The Ohio Theatre (SOHO), CAMI Hall (NYC), DanceSpace (NYC), FIT (NYC), The Evolving Arts Theatre (NYC), The Black Box Theatre (NJ), as well as at many colleges, universities, and festivals as a soloist and with her own dance company Groove Merchant, SaZ Dance Theatre, Jamila Salimpour's Bal Anat and Dalia Carella's DNA Project.
Kim holds a certification in Training & Development in Multiple Intelligences and the Arts from Kean University. She also has her 200 RYT Yoga certification through Honor Yoga Princeton.
Facilitating creative experiences and teaching dance and appreciation for music are her passion.
She talked about dance, music and food have been my travel guides and our cultural believes about dancing and learning.
Our cultural beliefs about dancing and learning.
Her superpower is in her ability to analyze movement and prescribe adjustment for ease and hearing nuances in music
When asked about her advise for a Dementia loved one, she says "Follow their story, be with them in the moments they are having. If they think there’s a parade outside in the street, go with them. Be their ally. Don’t try to get them to be correct with memory. Most of all sing songs, listen to music. The last together moment we had with my grandfather was singing."
Quantum Affirmation: Endless Opportunities -" Endless opportunities surround me. I attract an abundance of opportunities every day. Each decision I make creates new opportunities for my success." (Read this aloud 3x in the morning, noon and evening. Feel the words.)
www.DrumDanceCenter.com Dance classes, drum classes Gentle Stretch and Dance improvisation classes
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com/

Monday Oct 26, 2020

Gareth Icke is a singer/songwriter, personal trainer and former international beach soccer player in Derby, England. He is the author of "How not to be a RockStar" He is also a podcast host at the Ickonic, The Alternative Media. As the son of David Icke, the fearless leader, English conspiracy theorist, broadcaster, former football player, and author of many best selling books, his life has always been in the public eyes.
With his band, they aim to take the arts of music, poetry and spoken word into the former mining villages and towns of the once thriving county. The idea is to make it more accessible to the young people, that have been seemingly been left behind as the industries, and therefore opportunities have evaporated.
This conversation is an honored opportunity of meaningful and timely conversation for this collective global crisis inviting everyone to join together in remembering that we are beyond who we think we are, what we are and how we can serve humanity.
Quantum Affirmation: Life Goals- "I choose to progress in achieving my life goals by carefully and confidently taking one step after another . I am constantly moving forward to realize my life goals." (Read aloud 3x in the morning, noon and evening. Feel the words.)
Contact info for Gareth: http://garethicke.com/
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com

Saturday Oct 24, 2020

Josh Jalinski, author: Retirement Reality Check: How to Spend your money and still leave an amazing legacy, has been honored to be selected as a Five Star Wealth Manager as featured in NJ Monthly in 2012, 2013, 2014 and 2015. He was named an Advisor of the Year Finalist (top five in the country) by Senior Market Advisor magazine and was chosen for the Top of the Million Dollar Round Table, an association of Financial professionals. Josh has attained an elite status in the Top of the Table for eight years (only the top one-tenth of 1% make this category. Josh teaches people how they may be able to lower risk, minimize taxes, and maximize wealth.
Josh is the host of the popular Financial Quarterback Show of the popular Financial Quarterback Show heard every Saturday from 9am-11am on WOR News Talk Radio (NYC) 710 AM & Saturday 10am - 11am on 1210 AM. Also, every Sunday from 9am-10am on 710 AM as well as 11am-12pm and 3pm-4pm on 77 AM WABC. Josh has also been featured on Fox Business, CNBC, Comcast, CNN, CBS, USNews, and other nationwide radio, internet, and TV due to his insightful financial commentary.
Josh is also engaged in philanthropic work, supporting missionaries who go to some of the most dangerous places in the world to reach the unreached. He holds Financial Industry National Regulatory Authority (FINRA) series 6,7,24 (Registered Principal) and 66 licenses. Josh Jalinski is married to the love of his life, Beth. He has two beautiful daughters and four handsome sons.
His company offers a FREE Webinar one on one wholistic personalized financial retirement consultation.
This conversation centered on the importance and ways of financial planning so one does not end up in the dark during their retirement years. He shared stories when people can be scared to spend for their own health. He talked about what to do when you are caring for Dementia Caregivers and how to save for the future when you are young. He also shared his compassion expressed more in supporting philanthropic work.
Quantum affirmation: Overcoming fear- "I am not afraid. Whatever situation arises, I will get through it with my own inner strength. I am powerful. (Read it aloud 3 times in the morning, noon and evening. Feel the words.)
Contact: www.jalinski.com
Amazon.com: Book- Retirement Reality Check: How to Spend your money and still leave an amazing legacy
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com

Saturday Oct 17, 2020

James Finney is a 45 year old who rarely uses copy and paste for every moment should be different and in the now, like this Bio. He is still undecided on life’s journey and if it is truly worth it so he speaks to more learned souls and see what data he can find to help his life’s choice. As in the rest of Quantum Nurse episodes, not one is rehearsed. This conversation led to James vulnerability as an only son with not a close relationship with his parents. Grace calls it interesting, James call it sad. He is trying to be different with his young daughter. He also shared his challenges in business having filed for bankruptcy twice. Nevertheless, he created the podcast, Father Finney, The Best the Mind Can Get, as his outlet for his quiet nature and a way to belong to a community in this strange time.
The topics we covered were on parents, why go on, what is a rewarding life. should we just stay in bed?
Quantum Affirmation: Daily Opportunities - "Abundant opportunities come to me everyday. It is up to me to recognize and accept them. The universe sends me many messengers and I listen to their messages. I choose to receive many blessings with thanksgiving. "
Contact: fatherfinney.com.
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com

Thursday Oct 15, 2020

Throughout history God has called certain women of God to step out from their household into the global stage of history. Celeste became a Christian because of World War II, when her family left their faith, just in case there was another Holocaust. Providentially, she was invited by a neighbor to go to vacation Bible School where she promptly confessed her sin and accepted Jesus as her personal Savior.
Celeste Solum was born for such a time as this. God strategically and gently placed her in careers, events, and situations that are now converging during these End Times. Celeste maintains her strong faith by continual study from the primary languages and concepts of the Bible. She actively explores the depths of faith; is an active prayer warrior skilled in spiritual warfare.
Celeste grew up in a military & governmental home with her father working for the Naval Warfare Center and managing public lands in Washington State and California. She worked for Homeland Security and FEMA. Her training and activations include the infamous day of 911, flood and earthquake operations, mass casualty exercises, and numerous other operations. Celeste is FEMA certified.
Celeste also has education and experience in nursing, pediatrics, dentistry, environmental medicine, and alternative medicinal remedies. Celeste has prepped all her life learned and actively engages in the art of prepping including all aspects of agriculture. Celeste goes into places where angels fear to tread to bring you the most relevant and practical news and information that you need to make wise decisions during these perilous times.
Topics covered in this conversation include:
overcoming tragedy
Current Events – Truth? Lies? Whose truth?
Where do we go from here
Quantum Affirmation: Daily Opportunities - "Abundant opportunities come to me every day. It is up to me to recognize and accept them. The universe sends me many messengers and I listen to their messages. I choose to receive many blessings with thanksgiving." (Read aloud 3 x in the morning, noon and evening. Feel the words.)
Contact info:
Celestial Report (.com)
Facebook (Celeste Bishop …long story)
Books: ElectroMagnetic Radiation Protection
7 Thunders Revealed
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com/

Grace Asagra

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