Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Bliss
Grace understands the complexity of wellness, joy and longevity in these current times. Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Bliss. Quantum Nurse (QN) is a source of world views of documented truth, actual science, established facts, un-biased health/medical information and unmanipulated data in a world that seems to be lost in fear and confusion

Saturday Dec 05, 2020
Saturday Dec 05, 2020
Topics covered were:
Vaccines- Magnetic tagging - quantum dots, Restructuring of Water and Light, Depopulation, Artificial Intelligence, Block Chain, Currencies, Design and planned pandemic - World Economic Forum- Satanic movement- Faith- Christian Faith - Consciousness-Empowerment-Divinity- Image of God
Here' s some comments from listeners that might entice you to listen to bits of this podcast or all of it when you just take your time.
"At 1:20:00 Hartmut says something very profound and Celeste answers, about 85% of people having little soul presence. Worth listening to".
"Dear gents, if you want to listen about the vaccination what you probably never listened before go on hour 2:01."
DEC 5, 2020 SATURDAY @ 1:00 PM EST (6:00 pm UK)
Podcast: Celestial Reports
Chris Ryan
Grace Asagra
Podcast: Quantum Nurse
Hartmut Schumacher
Roy Coughlan
Steve Fierro
Podcast: Awakened Mind
Rumi Quote: “Raise your words, not your voice. It’s the rain that grows the flowers, not the thunder.”
African Proverb: “ Truth is like fire. You cannot hide it under dry leaves.”

Thursday Dec 03, 2020
Thursday Dec 03, 2020
There's power in numbers. Grace and Podcaster colleagues decided to POW-WOW on Critical Current Global Events to share facts, insights, experiences, hearts, concerns, and solutions offered to humanity.
List of presenters:
Owner: Chris Ryan
Topic: On SAGE (Science Advisory Group Emergencies)
https://linktr.ee/mindwarsPodcast: THE BAD MOM PODCAST
Owner: Anastasiya Aniccimov
Topic: Medical Freedom
Owner: Deb Silver
Instagram @DebSilverMusic
Topic: Chemical Industry
Podcast: Quantum Nurse
Owner: Grace Asagra
Topic: Empowering Self-Care
Topic: Possible Solutions

Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
In this episode, Grace covered Top 10 Premier Immune Nutritional Formulas for superb outcome that brings resonance and coherence in the cellular and mitochondrial level. They respond positively well beyond not just for the body's physiology but including the body's energy field.
Grace Asagra, RN, MA, Filipino Hilot, QRA Practitioner, author: The Healing Dance: A Fusion of Massage and Asian Healing Arts, and Owner of Podcast- Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Bliss.
Grace has been in the holistic wellness practice close to four decades. She remembers in the 1980’s when she first arrived in NY to work as a nurse, when meditation, yoga, smoothie, self-care practices and foods like greens, oatmeal with cinnamon, dried fruits and nuts were not a buzz word. She had studied under experts who were trailblazers in bringing truth in the corruption and flaws of mainstream healthcare system. She never stops studying. It was in the 1990’s when she decided to go beyond consumerism of holistic ideas but to take active role in educating and empowering those who are serious in reclaiming their health through alternative energy medicine and holistic integrative healthcare.
With Grace’s science background as a seasoned Registered Nurse and her immersion in her family’s practice in indigenous medicine in the Philippines, she powerfully blends pre-ancient Indigenous/Ancestral healing practices, conventional Western medicine and Quantum Energy Science in upgrading our DNA to reclaim it’s original blueprint connected to the Source. She came a full circle in her nursing training and experiences from community/public health care in the Philippines using herbal treatments, food medicine and rituals to hands-on clinical practice in Critical Care Nursing for 20 years and now back to Public/Community Health Care working with clients diagnosed with Dementia, their caregivers and all others who reach out to use Alternative Energy Medicine.
In her practice, the pre- ancient ancestral wisdom is brought forth as primary source for health restoration interwoven in the experiential knowledge that consciousness is the foundation of everything. Grace brings out the best in people as she helps you realize your best self, be kind and mindful, reclaim good health, have the energy and empowerment to excel and optimize the unlimited potentials in your precious life. Her individually tailored programs achieve this through nutrition, lifestyle and behavior changes that manifests meaningful and healing experiences authentic for you so you can be healthier, happier and peaceful. All this will come together in all your relationships.
Quantum Affirmation: Exuberant Growth: "The more I help others exuberantly grow and prosper. What I send out into the world is returned to me many-fold." (Feel the words. Read out loud 3x in the morning, noon and evening.)
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com/

Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Saturday Nov 28, 2020
Audrey Davis-Dunning is a powerhouse innovator, renowned motivational speaker, educator, and Mom-preneur. In 2015, after re-defining what it means to be a Goddess in both her personal and professional life, she founded Get Your Goddess. This women’s empowerment organization is designed to cultivate a freedom and fearlessness in women to be who they are, in all of their glory. By combining her two loves, African Dance and Personal Development, Audrey has helped transform women of all ages into empowered Goddesses destined for greatness.
An educator by profession, Audrey is known for her energetic and positive outlook. Having received her Masters from Cornell University, she has gone on to mentor and advise hundreds of women on their personal journey to success and fulfillment as an Adjunct College Professor and Academic Advisor.
As a professional African Dancer, Audrey has performed at various venues including the George Street Playhouse, PNC Arts Center and Channel 9 News. As an NJPAC Teaching Artist, she has also done dance residencies in various school districts.
Get Your Goddess delivers key note addresses, facilitates workshops, conducts one-on-one coaching sessions, and shares custom branded resources designed to inspire women to embrace their beauty and ignite their Inner Goddess. Through movement, music, and self-reflection, Audrey continues to expand her Goddess empire.
this conversation covered topics on African Dance & My Online African Dance Classes, Get Your Goddess Principles & Training Programs, Being A Mommy Goddess, Meditation and more.
Quantum Affirmation: Positive Outlook: "I start each day with a robust positive outlook. I choose to be radiantly alive. I make a positive difference in the world every dat. I look forward to the activities of each day. I love who I am and I strive to develop myself further." (Read out loud 3x in the morning, noon & evening. Feel the words.)
WEBSITE: getyourgoddess.com
FREE GODDESS NEWSLETTER: http://bit.ly/SignMeUpGoddess
FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/getyourgoddess/
INSTAGRAM: https://www.instagram.com/getyourgoddess/
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/GetYourGoddess
GET YOUR GODDESS TRAINING PROGRAMS: https://www.getyourgoddess.com/services
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com

Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Wednesday Nov 25, 2020
Hartmut Schumacher made an apprenticeship in a bank and specialized in stocks. During the time at the university he came in contact with the students of the university for music in Cologne where he got in contact with philosophy and esoteric stuff. After working in gallery he started a Feng shul career and was a founding member of a Mahatma house in Bavaria. Besides he worked in dowsing and worked as a consultant as electro smog consultant. But with respect of health problem he stopped the business and became a Key account manager and recruiting manager in IT specialized in the car, infotainment and aviation industry. Beside his job he established with a partners a company for the development and distribution of pulsed electric magnetic device. Here they got good results with a ice skating team at the Olympic games in Sotchi in 2014. Since 2014 he became an international consultant in commodities and the financing of international projects. Since 2017 he has worked in the distribution of pulsed electric magnetic fields devices which are developed by universities. He is the owner of the podcast go your own path with which he wants to encourage people to see the world with a different perspective.
This intense conversation took Hartmut and Grace to discuss the following topics:
1. Olive Leaf and its influence on the body
2. Pulsed electric magnetic field systems and its influence on the body
3. History of the Pharma industry
4. The situation which we are facing now
For the stressed caregivers of their Dementia loved ones, he wrote "There is still hope – It is possible to stop and maybe with good food and movement also a progress is possible. I would love to establish a Therapy center for people with Dementia".
Quantum Affirmation: Respect and Trust: "I hold myself to high ethical standards. I naturally receive respect and trust from others.
Contact info for Hartmut Schumacher: https://anchor.fm/hartmut-schumacher-path
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com

Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Anastasiya Aniccimov is a motivated mother of 2 wonderful children, 11 and 9 years old, and living in New Jersey. She emigrated here with her parents in the mid 90’s and as the oldest child she was supposed to make my folks rich in America from Kazakhstan. Unfortunately, she was, like a lot of teenagers, misguided. She has always been creative and wanted to help others and our environment. She realized that her environmental science degree in most career choices would be used to exploit our earth and lost interest in that direction. She created a podcast and took a guided course called Broadcast Yourself with Brain Rose at the London Real Academy. Since then, she created a platform for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and other types of abuse to be able to share their story. She is in the process of creating my non-profit for children to educate them with age-appropriate guidance to help them succeed in life, especially when living in low-income neighborhoods, single parent households. The purpose is to educate to prevent the cycle of abuse from perpetuating in our youth. I am working with a team of writers on a domestic violence anthology coming soon! She has a blog to empower others to use their voice to stand up to their abusers. She also has a YouTube channel with most of the interviews from my podcast. She has been working side by side patriots in her state to keep our medical freedoms which have been under attack for quite some time. She coach others on how to live healthy and happy even during dark times. She offers coaching and support. She is openminded to different opinions. She empowers others to achieve their goals and dreams.
This intense conversation led us to talk on topics such as spiritual and emotional healing, domestic violence, holistic health, PTSD recovery and Medical Freedom.
Quantum Affirmation: Overcoming Fear: "I am not afraid. Whatever situation arises, I will get through it with my own inner strength. I am powerful. (Read out loud 3x a day in the morning, noon and evening. feel the words.)
Contact info for Anastasiya Aniccimov: www.linktr.ee/thebadmompodcast
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com/

Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
Wednesday Nov 18, 2020
After almost committing suicide twice in his life, John Katsavos realized he had to fix his mindset, He found that exercise and martial arts had an amazing positive effect on his mindset and since then he has been a personal trainer for 12 years and has helped many people achieve their fitness goals. John have created Vio Fitness in order to help young men find their mojo back and become a positive agent of change not only in their lives but also in the world around them. He has also created The Fitness Oracle in order for young men understand that they are not alone when it comes to mental issues that affect them.
He has had a couple of really big pains in his life but the most recent one was 7 years ago. He had a successful personal training business where he had his own studio, and he was with a woman who he considered was going to be his wife. He lost the business because he didn’t know how to manage everything by himself, and the woman that he was going to marry push him to the point where he had to leave because he couldn’t take all of her demands from him especially when he had lost his livelihood. The next couple of years were very dark for him. He went from making $10K a month to just barely $1.5K per month and he was alone. If it weren’t for the Cuba incident he would not be where he is today. He was feeling stuck in the rabbit hole.
He was working as a security guard and he went to Cuba where he was “attacked” by two barracuda after when he came home, he realized that life is passing him by, and he needed to change so he put himself back in school and he is now an IT in a hospital with a fulltime job.
He has upcoming plans in both podcasting and fitness business. Stay tune.
In this conversation, topics shared were:
Positive effects of Fitness
The power of martial arts on men
Depression and the constant battle we have with it
Fear (my best friend and my greatest teacher)
Quantum Affirmation: Be Inspired and Inspiring: "I inspire others to have confidence in themselves. My passion for health allows me to inspire compassion in others. I inspire others to overcome their challengers and do what it takes to live well. I inspire everyone I meet o live their life to the fullest. (Read out loud 3x in the morning, noon and evening. Feel the words.)
Contact info:
21 Day Caveman Challenge, The Fitness Oracle
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.co

Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
Tuesday Nov 17, 2020
This conversation was hosted by Diana Kauffman of College Advice in Nano Second Podcast.
This conversation took the audience to Grace Asagra's journey growing up and immersed in Indigenous Healing Arts in the Philippines. The first interventions when a family member got sick was to be cared for the women elders in her family - grandmother Julia, mother Josefina and aunt Fely. - with healing foods such as rice porridge cooked in bone broth, ginger, garlic and bay leaf, herbal teas, healing massage (hilot), and rituals. She was fairly independent growing up in a complex family dynamics that made it easier for her to attend challenges in high school and college.
Grace holds dearly her heritage as a strong foundation wherever she goes and whatever she does. She took her ordinary nursing training to a level where she can fuse indigenous science in quantum science. Currently, she is a QRA (Quantum Reflex Analysis Practitioner, and uses Alternative Quantum Energy and Holistic HealthCare approach is helping those who would take that journey with her.
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.co

Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Sunday Nov 15, 2020
Steve Fierro is born 1964 and raised Manhasset long island NY USA. Youngest of 5 kids 4 boys and 1 girl in an Italian family. His parents argued a lot and money was always tight yet his mother always made it a point for us to have some money in our pocket and never feel out of hand. Both parents worked so being the youngest afforded me to have more freedom than most as parents were tired by the time he came around and were always trying to make ends meet.
He played lacrosse and went to university and graduated in 1986. He worked in banking for 4 years before going to wall street where he became a derivative broker (not trader). After a lot of cajoling from my company to go to Singapore, he agreed to go for 1 year in November 1994 to help set up a branch office and have been outside the USA ever since. He has lived and worked in Tokyo and London as well.
Living abroad gave him the opportunity to travel and discover the world and see things from a different perspective being away from home. it was a time of adventure and discovery. A Tony Robbins seminar and a colonic cleanse in Thailand that was established and run by a man that beat stage 4 cancer with cleansing in the early 2000's really started my health awareness and healing journey.
This conversation includes the topics on:
Alkalinity immunity being the keys to reversing disease what disease is and how to reverse it non toxically and naturally. Doctors Royal Rife, Rene Caisse, Otto Warburg, Stanislaw Burzynski, Harry Hoxsey, and other doctors destroyed and people prevented from seeing them and their clinics shut down and they're litigated into bankruptcy.
Holistic healing through empowerment and knowledge to the truth
corruption and control in the medical industry and how holistic doctors are destroyed systematically and their services are denied to anyone wanting them as well as the effective natural modes of healing are denied too.
Vaccines, what chemo and pharmaceuticals are and how their poison and toxicity accelerate disease and sickness and depresses immunity.
What's this life all about and what are most people feeling? fear? stress? and why?
Quantum Affirmation: Loving Gratitude - "I always say "thank you" o matter what life hands me. I always express my gratitude for the gifts I am given, whether large or small. I attract the wisdom and experience I need t move forward in my understanding of all life's events. (Read aloud 3c in the morning, noon and evening. Feel the words.)
Contact info for Steve:
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCaWz9UrOFrUAq637EuiW25g (Health Awareness Vitality Abundance)
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com

Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Thursday Nov 12, 2020
Dr. Jayne Marquis is a Naturopathic Doctor and Homeopath. Jayne has always held the belief that we are more than meets the eye. Like a tree, what we see is the trunk, the branches, the leaves, but what is equally important is what is not seen—the roots, the source of nourishment, security, and balance. Jayne is the host of INpowered Podcast.
While receiving her Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Jayne fell in love with Homeopathy. The principles of Homeopathy resonated with her profoundly, as she had always held the belief that all physical ailments have mental and emotional components. She pursued her Doctor of Homeopathic Medicine from Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine. Today Jayne applies her experience, knowledge, passion, and dedication to her current practice and the treatment of every patient she sees
She has an VFR pilots license, been a Canadian ballroom dance Champ, has a hobby of trampoline, likes to talk about benefits of rebounding., lives on a horse farm...thinks horses and mucking are therapeutic. ”events” on horseback. She loves Wim Hof breathing and cold baths 😃😃.
This conversation explored on topics:
INpowered health, and what’s its about.
Getting people to look inside for answers.
Giving them empowering information that helps them remember how powerful they truly are. Too many have handed their power away to government, Doctors, Experts
Her biggest Aha moment was when I was in despair wondering what she should be doing in life. "I got on my knees and asked, how can I serve, Two days later while walking my dog, I could distinctly hear a voice, 'You should be a doctor.'" Six weeks later she was enrolled to become an ND Naturopathic Doctor.
"I grew up feeling like an outsider, due to how my parents were treated, because of this I learned to meditate at an early age...I always knew the answers to life lay in the stillness...I read Bruce Lipton long before I became an ND. It was his teaching that inspired me to become a homeopath...As homeopathy is mind body medicine."
Barbara Brennan was also a big influence on her. She was a NASA scientist who could see the human energy field. And how it was affected by emoting, drugs etc. Dr. Jayne Marquis always knew we were electro magnetic, that our spirit, was as important as our body. Wim Hof breathing, cold bath and hot and cold showers are probably her favourite daily routine right now,
Quantum Affirmation: Jump for JOY- "I love life and choose to live life exuberantly. I am full of energy and enthusiasm. I take time to experience joy each day -whether in big or small things." (Read aloud 3x in the morning, noon and evening. Feel the words.)
Contact: Dr Jayne Marquis INpoweredhealth.com Windwoodclinic.com
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com/