Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Bliss

Grace understands the complexity of wellness, joy and longevity in these current times. Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Bliss. Quantum Nurse (QN) is a source of world views of documented truth, actual science, established facts, un-biased health/medical information and unmanipulated data in a world that seems to be lost in fear and confusion

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Tuesday Jan 12, 2021

Zahee (Zee) Girjes – "20 years experience Business Operations, Management, Sales & Marketing, Sales Coaching/Mentoring. Born in Iraq and migrated to Australia when I was 7 years old. Speak the ancient Aramaic language that was spoken by Jesus Christ. My uncle was the catholic Archbishop of the Christians in the northern Iraq, before he lost his entire dioceses after the 2014 Isis attack. He is now based in Sydney. Host: MCC Podcast – Modern Christian Collectiv
Topics included in this podcast:
Career development in management and sales
Persecution of Christian Iraqi’s over the last 1,500 years and more recently
Gratitude (my family and are very lucky to live in Australia because of my father’s sacrifice).
Leadership with care.
His daily habit: Affirmations and Pray
For those stressed caregivers for their Dementia loved one? Care for them with love
Email: zaheeg@outlook.com
Quantum Affirmation: A Happy Life: "I choose to live in health, peace and happiness every hour of my life. My words and actions inspire those around me. Together, we all feel joy and have a positive outlook " (Read out loud 3x in the morning, noon, evening and bedtime.)
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com/

Friday Jan 08, 2021

Featuring: Moni Mozco, Naturopath for Psychotherapy
Member of the Bavarian Lady Group "Corona Bavaria" and famous because of their German song "Please go..." - The goverment has to withdraw. More than 68.000 views in 5 days. https://youtu.be/n9AzfT8HaRY
Topics for this livestream:
· How the fear made by the media and politics makes the people sick
· There is no objective report how many people have died by the measurements or have cover physical, psychological and financial damages
· Peaceful resistance by music and demonstrations
· Circle of the life phases and the influence of the pandemic on this circle.
· Daily habits that are recommended
· Resources to look into.
Chris Ryan
Grace Asagra
Podcast: Quantum Nurse
Hartmut Schumacher
Roy Coughlan
Steve Fierro
Podcast: Awakened Mind

Wednesday Jan 06, 2021

I am grateful for my interview with Dr. Mary Elizabeth Mansfield at Mind Empowerment Podcast. In this interview, I took you back to my childhood, my family, and the exotic landscape where I grew up. I mostly shared what's most important in my awakening journey of wholistic health/total health. It carried me through from the beginning of understanding the philosophy, "Know thyself to heal thyself". Good health or any change one wants must always start from ones'self, inside out, inscension, heart centered and extreme ownership. This way, we need to take responsibility for everything that's happening in our lives.
I shared what good nutrition is for me, the importance of movement, and meditation, that I consider as one of the secret ingredient in life's balance. I also shared on finding one's purpose or mission in life and that has to begin where one is.
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com/
Contact for Dr. Mary Elizabeth Mansfield maryelizabeth@gmail.com

Monday Jan 04, 2021

Arzu Mountain Spirit wrote, " I am a traditional healer, writer, life coach, teacher, and presenter of talks and workshops on Garifuna spirituality, healing methods, and medicinal plants. The Ancestral healing methods I hold dear were transmitted through my mother, grandmother, and great grandmother. I now live in Belize where I maintain a traditional healing practice, and facilitate Mountain Spirit Wellness Retreats. In the effort to preserve and protect the treasures of my ancestors, I founded the Wagiya Foundation, a non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of our Garifuna healing and spiritual traditions.
4 topics we covered were:
Quantum Affirmation: "Trusting Inner Guidance: After I have carefully studied a situation and obtained as much information as possible . I rely on facts as well as my own intuition and inner guidance to lead me to the right decisions in my practice. I am powerful."
Contact info: www.wagiya.org facebook: Mountain Spirit Wellness Page
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com/

Tuesday Dec 29, 2020

Grace Asagra, RN, MA, HN-BC, CHC and Peg Peterson, JD, HC launched their digital module course for mastery on "Take Command of Your Health: & Ways to Minimize and/or Shorten Your Hospital Stay." In this launch, Peter Colaric, Musician and Songwriter , provided a musical rendition with his own original compositions.
Sharing their experiential knowledge and research together and offering their individualized weekly guidance all throughout the course.
Take Command of Your Health:
7 Ways to Minimize and/or Shorten your Hospital Stay!
1. Be your own protector.
Learn to have a healing mindset!
2. Be your own spiritual adviser.
Learn the power of spiritual connection!
3. Be your own health detective.
Learn to ask critical questions!
4. Be your own doctor and pharmacist.
Learn the side effects of your medications and procedures!
5. Be your own nutritionist.
Learn to ask for best food and drink choices!
6. Be your own record keeper and lawyer.
You are your own best witness. Record events, take pertinent notes, and learn your rights!
7. Be your own best friend.
Take the stress off by making sure you have a buddy both outside and inside the hospital!
Quantum Affirmation: Endless Opportunities Surround me. I attract and abundance of opportunities every day. Each decision I make creates new opportunities for my success."
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com/
Contact for Peg Peterson: https://www.facebook.com/groups/habits4lovinglife
Contact for Peter Colaric: https://www.youtube.com/user/benwest123i/featured
@Peter Colaric

Monday Dec 21, 2020

This recording includes topics on:
Factors causing poor dental health
Teeth and Emotions
Teeth and Organs/Glands
Much Better Dental Health Solutions for Daily Habits
Dental Health and Quantum Reflex Analysis
Grace Asagra, RN, MA, Filipino Hilot, QRA Practitioner, author: The Healing Dance: A Fusion of Massage and Asian Healing Arts, and Owner of Podcast- Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Bliss.
Grace has been in the holistic wellness practice close to four decades. She remembers in the 1980’s when she first arrived in NY to work as a nurse, when meditation, yoga, smoothie, self-care practices and foods like greens, oatmeal with cinnamon, dried fruits and nuts were not a buzz word. She had studied under experts who were trailblazers in bringing truth in the corruption and flaws of mainstream healthcare system. She never stops studying. It was in the 1990’s when she decided to go beyond consumerism of holistic ideas but to take active role in educating and empowering those who are serious in reclaiming their health through alternative energy medicine and holistic integrative healthcare.
With Grace’s science background as a seasoned Registered Nurse and her immersion in her family’s practice in indigenous medicine in the Philippines, she powerfully blends pre-ancient Indigenous/Ancestral healing practices, conventional Western medicine and Quantum Energy Science in upgrading our DNA to reclaim it’s original blueprint connected to the Source. She came a full circle in her nursing training and experiences from community/public health care in the Philippines using herbal treatments, food medicine and rituals to hands-on clinical practice in Critical Care Nursing for 20 years and now back to Public/Community Health Care working with clients diagnosed with Dementia, their caregivers and all others who reach out to use Alternative Energy Medicine.
In her practice, the pre- ancient ancestral wisdom is brought forth as primary source for health restoration interwoven in the experiential knowledge that consciousness is the foundation of everything. Grace brings out the best in people as she helps you realize your best self, be kind and mindful, reclaim good health, have the energy and empowerment to excel and optimize the unlimited potentials in your precious life. Her individually tailored programs achieve this through nutrition, lifestyle and behavior changes that manifests meaningful and healing experiences authentic for you so you can be healthier, happier and peaceful. All this will come together in all your relationships.
Quantum Affirmation: Living My Life To The Fullest: "I am dedicated to living my life to the fullest. I do what it takes to release feelings of inferiority. I always do my best at every task. I celebrate how far I have come in my own knowledge and skills for helping others. " (Read out loud 3x in the morning, noon and evening.)
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com/

Thursday Dec 17, 2020

Branka lives in Europe, Slovenia, which is a small country neighboring Italy, Austria, and Hungary. Its population is around 2 million people and her mother tongue is Slovenian, which is a Slavic nation. She has two adult daughters and a caring, supportive husband who form the bedrock of her life - not having that she would not be the way she is, privately or professionally. She was brought up in the old, traditional way where the family was important. As a student, she spent some time in England and fell in love with the language, architecture, and countryside. She is a linguist but also very passionate about art and creativity. At the age of 40, she was faced with a severe health condition that was a true eye-opener. She soon realized that in order to recover drastic changes had to be made on all levels, and so she opened herself to fresh ideas, alternative ways, and spiritual methods. Since July 2020 she is the host of Milangela’s Soul Garden Podcast where she addresses topics on how to summon willpower and gain inspiration to start moving in the opposite direction to that which made you ill, hurt, deserted…
Topics covered in this podcast includes:
1) Health and taking ownership of your life
2) Nature and understanding we are part of it.
3) Creativity. A human being should be creative (one way or another).
4) Pets and their special bonds that are healing
She shared so many powerful insights. To those who are stressed caregivers taking care of loved ones with Dementia, her main message is to go into your heart and make sure you find love and things will get easier.
Quantum Affirmation: Insights and Inspirations. "I am constantly inspired with new insights about my profession. My on the job experiences help me to learn and grow. I am continuous fountain of new ideas and beneficial methods." (Read out loud 3x in the morning, noon and evening.)
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com/

Tuesday Dec 15, 2020

DeRu (Shawn X. Liu), Founder of Global Zen Consciousness Conference, Founder & Advocator of Zen Tai Gong, Founder of DeRu Media with DeRu Academy, More info: Wikipedia Shifu Deru
DeRu, a lifetime student and universe true explorer and speaker, who was a student under Shaolin Temple GrandMaster SuXi. He was one of the first to transmit Zen consciousness in action to the U.S. and spoke on Zen Consciousness, natural healing and Gong Fu worldwide.
Topics in this conversation includes but not limited to Quantum Consciousness, Zen, Gong Fu, Health, and Life.
To all those who are stressed and fearful, his advise is to breathe and meditate with calmness and silence as well as motion of the body and of the mind in freedom
Quantum Affirmation: Calm and Centered: "I choose to remain calm even in stressful or unexpected situations. I remember to breathe deeply and fully to dtay centered throughout the day. I resolve situations calmly and fairly." (Read out loud 3x in the morning , noon and evening.)
Contact info: Email: shaolininstitutega@gmail.com www.deruacademy.com shaolininstitute.net
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com/

Friday Dec 11, 2020

Guest BIo * Nickolas Labinsky is the Chief Operations Officer at Premier Research Labs LP, a USP cGMP manufacturer in Austin, Texas. As a microbiologist and GMP expert, he has accomplished major achievements at Premier Research Labs by helping to create one of the top tier quality systems in the industry. He has also been a key implementer in crafting PRL's innovative patented fermentation process.
Topics that will be covered are:
1) What the law requires of dietary supplement companies
2) Loop holes in the system.
3) Case studies of adulteration in the product PRL received.
4) What the public can do to select a quality supplement.
Quantum Affirmation: Passion and Enthusiasm: " Each morning I arise filled with enthusiasm for the coming day. I look forward to my work each day. I love meeting new people. I am thankful; for the blessings and opportunities that arise." (Read out loud 3x in the morning, noon and evening. Feel the words.)
Contact info: Email: NickL@prlabs.com
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com/

Wednesday Dec 09, 2020

This is an interview of Grace by Dr. Jayne Marquis of INpowered Podcast. Dr. Jayne Marquis is a Naturopathic Doctor and Homeopath. Jayne has always held the belief that we are more than meets the eye. Like a tree, what we see is the trunk, the branches, the leaves, but what is equally important is what is not seen—the roots, the source of nourishment, security, and balance.
While receiving her Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine from The Canadian College of Naturopathic Medicine, Jayne fell in love with Homeopathy. The principles of Homeopathy resonated with her profoundly, as she had always held the belief that all physical ailments have mental and emotional components. She pursued her Doctor of Homeopathic Medicine from Ontario College of Homeopathic Medicine. Today Jayne applies her experience, knowledge, passion, and dedication to her current practice and the treatment of every patient she sees.
Grace Asagra, RN, MA, Filipino Hilot, QRA Practitioner, author: The Healing Dance: A Fusion of Massage and Asian Healing Arts, and Owner of Podcast- Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Bliss.
Grace has been in the holistic wellness practice close to four decades. She remembers in the 1980’s when she first arrived in NY to work as a nurse, when meditation, yoga, smoothie, self-care practices and foods like greens, oatmeal with cinnamon, dried fruits and nuts were not a buzz word. She had studied under experts who were trailblazers in bringing truth in the corruption and flaws of mainstream healthcare system. She never stops studying. It was in the 1990’s when she decided to go beyond consumerism of holistic ideas but to take active role in educating and empowering those who are serious in reclaiming their health through alternative energy medicine and holistic integrative healthcare.
With Grace’s science background as a seasoned Registered Nurse and her immersion in her family’s practice in indigenous medicine in the Philippines, she powerfully blends pre-ancient Indigenous/Ancestral healing practices, conventional Western medicine and Quantum Energy Science in upgrading our DNA to reclaim it’s original blueprint connected to the Source. She came a full circle in her nursing training and experiences from community/public health care in the Philippines using herbal treatments, food medicine and rituals to hands-on clinical practice in Critical Care Nursing for 20 years and now back to Public/Community Health Care working with clients diagnosed with Dementia, their caregivers and all others who reach out to use Alternative Energy Medicine.
To reach and help more people change their health journey from illness to wellness, from pre-mature aging to slow and healthy aging to live longer and better, she created digital video series for alternative energy and holistic health care for digestive issues, lack of sleep and low energy. You can go to her landing page WWW.QuantumNurse.Lifeand get the 3 FREE videos that are practical health tips. In her online store. She has the low cost product of 6 Video Course Series on Transform your Junk Gut DNA, Transform Your Life and a Premium product of 7 Videos on 6 Keys to Premier Health: Learn the Revolutionary, Pemier Quality Approach to Limitless Health Potential in 6 Quantum Modules. ( This has a bonus module so it became 7 videos).
Contact for Dr. Jayne Marquis: https://anchor.fm/jayne-marquis/episodes/Marina-L-Reed---Author-of-Remember--Its-OK-a-new-way-to-work-with-grief-en2531
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra

Grace Asagra

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