Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Bliss

Grace understands the complexity of wellness, joy and longevity in these current times. Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Bliss. Quantum Nurse (QN) is a source of world views of documented truth, actual science, established facts, un-biased health/medical information and unmanipulated data in a world that seems to be lost in fear and confusion

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Wednesday Feb 10, 2021

Dr John Tickell is a Medical Doctor, an international speaker, bestselling author and television personality, who has spent several decades travelling and studying the health, well-being and longevity patterns of people around the world. The Good Doctor and his wife Sue have 5 children and multiple grandchildren.
When I invited Dr. John Tickell as a guest, below was his response:
"Grace, I’m probably the only Medical Doctor in the world who has survived malignant brain cancer for 10 years and I’ve presented at many Conferences across the USA! Lots of things I can help your people with from my research, knowledge of the living and eating habits of peoples worldwide - and “been there done that” experiences of studying to be a M D, treating the dis eases of the Western World, our Family, my brain cancer diagnosis stresses, and fighting for survival, the TV series across the USA, the 11 books in many languages"-
"Interesting , the incidence of Cancer in Western Civilizations and Cultures has become SO much worse than in the Eastern cultures " Some of the things that he covered in this conversation were the following.
Cancer is V G R O S S
- causation and predisposition from
V. Viral factors
G. Genetics
R. Radiation and Pollution
O. Overweight, obesity
S. Sunshine excess.
S. Smoking.
S. “Stress” - the new kid on the block !
💥 The word L I F E is all about living Well
Living Inspiration For Everybody
if you take the “F” out of L I F E , you’re living a L I E
Many millions of us are living a L I E Why ?
let’s be - putting the important “F” s back into our L I E
💥 Family
💥 Fun
💥 Friendships
💥 Faith
- and a few more - Fitness, Fibre, Fruits and Veg, Finance
The American C H A D Syndrome of early ageing -
Cancer, Heart disease, Alzheimer’s, Diabetes, Dementia
💥 Your personal I. S. R.
Dr John’s Immune System Rating
Quantum Affirmation: Endless Opportunities: Endless opportunities surround me. I attract an abundance of opportunities every day. Each decision I make creates new opportunities for my success. (Read this out loud 3x int he morning, noon, evening and bedtime. Feel the energy of each word.)
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra

Thursday Feb 04, 2021

Grace Asagra, RN, MA, Filipino Hilot, QRA Practitioner, author: The Healing Dance: A Fusion of Massage and Asian Healing Arts, and Owner of Podcast- Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Bliss.
Grace has been in the holistic wellness practice close to four decades. She remembers in the 1980’s when she first arrived in NY to work as a nurse, when meditation, yoga, smoothie, self-care practices and foods like greens, oatmeal with cinnamon, dried fruits and nuts were not a buzz word. She had studied under experts who were trailblazers in bringing truth in the corruption and flaws of mainstream healthcare system. She never stops studying. It was in the 1990’s when she decided to go beyond consumerism of holistic ideas but to take active role in educating and empowering those who are serious in reclaiming their health through alternative energy medicine and holistic integrative healthcare.
With Grace’s science background as a seasoned Registered Nurse and her immersion in her family’s practice in indigenous medicine in the Philippines, she powerfully blends pre-ancient Indigenous/Ancestral healing practices, conventional Western medicine and Quantum Energy Science in upgrading our DNA to reclaim it’s original blueprint connected to the Source. She came a full circle in her nursing training and experiences from community/public health care in the Philippines using herbal treatments, food medicine and rituals to hands-on clinical practice in Critical Care Nursing for 20 years and now back to Public/Community Health Care working with clients diagnosed with Dementia, their caregivers and all others who reach out to use Alternative Energy Medicine.
In her practice, the pre- ancient ancestral wisdom is brought forth as primary source for health restoration interwoven in the experiential knowledge that consciousness is the foundation of everything. Grace brings out the best in people as she helps you realize your best self, be kind and mindful, reclaim good health, have the energy and empowerment to excel and optimize the unlimited potentials in your precious life. Her individually tailored programs achieve this through nutrition, lifestyle and behavior changes that manifests meaningful and healing experiences authentic for you so you can be healthier, happier and peaceful. All this will come together in all your relationships.
Grace brings loving, kind-hearted passionate people together to share common holistic expertise, insights and dreams. She believes in collaboration with like-minded people to follow their visions and dreams. She has high respect for grassroots movements as the underlying power to make a change when change is called for in a society. Grace believes that one’s you’ve got energy eyes you never depart from it.
Link to all other links.
Contact info for James Finney: Email: mrjamesafinney@gmail.com www.fatherfinney.com.
host of Father Finney's the best a man can get

Wednesday Feb 03, 2021

Jan 30, 2021 Saturday, 12:00 PM EST 5:00 PM UK 6:00 PM Germany
Ready to jump down the rabbit hole?
FREEDOM BROADCASTERS Features Clay Clark, entrepreneur, author,”
FEAR UNMASKED: Discover the truth about the Corona Virus Shutdown”
BIO: Clay Clark asked Americans to Hug each other at a Trump Rally and was attacked by Jimmy Kimmel on National TV.
Clay Clark went on NewsmaxTV and revealed that Bill Gates hung out with Jeffrey Epstien, the world's most well known pedophile.
Clay said "I don't think we should be listening to a pedophile on how to treat our kids" referring to the Bill Gates Covid vaccine.
And, because people want the truth, Clay has had over 3 Million downloads to his Fireside Chats with Attorney Lin Wood, despite #BIgTech removing them every time from several platforms.
If you haven't guessed yet... Clay Clark is a man who tells it like it is, regardless of the worldly consequences. And Clay always has research to back up what he says.
Clay is the Author of "Fear Unmasked - The Truth About the Coronavirus Shutdown". He's also the former SBA Entrepreneur of the Year, Founder of www.Thrive15.com a highly respected Business School as seen on Forbes, Bloomberg, YahooFinance, etc. He is also a Contributor for Entrepreneur Magazine , and is an investor and co-owner of several multi-million dollar companies around the world.
Chris Ryan
Grace Asagra
Podcast: Quantum Nurse
Hartmut Schumacher
Roy Coughlan
Steve Fierro
Podcast: Awakened Mind
Donate to cover podcast production cost. Thank you

Monday Feb 01, 2021

TRANSCENDING TIMES: From Darkness Into the Light
Guest: TONY SAYERS, Author, Vloger, Activist
“When I found out about some of the atrocities happening daily, and what is planned for us all in the long run I immediately sprung into action, like so many other amazing souls do when they go first go down the rabbit hole. I wanted EVERYONE to know what I had found out, and I thought they would listen. Again so many will relate, its not always that simple! But try we must, and trying is what I have been doing ever since.
Starting Facebook groups, helping to organize demos, leaflet dropping outside of train stations, radio shows, vlogging, public speaking and even the odd bit of poetry! Any which way I can to get the message through to people. This website is an extension of that. It’s so important that we ACT upon what we know. As Stephen Covey once said ‘To learn and not to do, is really not to learn. To know and not to do, is really not to know’.”
Chris Ryan
Grace Asagra
Podcast: Quantum Nurse
Hartmut Schumacher
Roy Coughlan
Steve Fierro
Podcast: Awakened Mind
This will cover the cost to sustain Quantum Nurse Podcast and reach out to a massive global audience for knowledge and empowerment to reclaim holistic health and freedom for everyone.
"Education is the key to unlock the golden door to freedom." George Washington Carver

Friday Jan 29, 2021

Anastasiya Aniccimov is a motivated mother of 2 wonderful children, 11 and 9 years old, and living in New Jersey. She emigrated here with her parents in the mid 90’s and as the oldest child she was supposed to make my folks rich in America from Kazakhstan. Unfortunately, she was, like a lot of teenagers, misguided. She has always been creative and wanted to help others and our environment. She realized that her environmental science degree in most career choices would be used to exploit our earth and lost interest in that direction. She created a podcast and took a guided course called Broadcast Yourself with Brain Rose at the London Real Academy. Since then, she created a platform for survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and other types of abuse to be able to share their story. She is in the process of creating my non-profit for children to educate them with age-appropriate guidance to help them succeed in life, especially when living in low-income neighborhoods, single parent households. The purpose is to educate to prevent the cycle of abuse from perpetuating in our youth. I am working with a team of writers on a domestic violence anthology coming soon! She has a blog to empower others to use their voice to stand up to their abusers. She also has a YouTube channel with most of the interviews from my podcast. She has been working side by side patriots in her state to keep our medical freedoms which have been under attack for quite some time. She coach others on how to live healthy and happy even during dark times. She offers coaching and support. She is openminded to different opinions. She empowers others to achieve their goals and dreams.
This empowering conversation included topics on
financial literacy/financial freedom
personal development
community of like-minded individuals
family dreams/aspirations
Quantum Affirmation: Asking for Guidance: "Whenever I need answers. I humbly ask for spiritual guidance. I am open to the answers I receive. Then I act with love and thanksgiving." (Read this out loud 3x int he morning, noon, evening and bedtime. Feel the energy of each word.)
Contact info for Anastasiya Aniccimov: www.linktr.ee/thebadmompodcast
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
DONATION ACCEPTED: https://www.paypal.com/donate/?token=rvoIlTwWQTfleVizYanW9ywLIg5kNGIdAgrJjb2pELvAHYVujBUs_OOF5joxVT5n9t3ave-04UR8iLBj&fromUL=true

Thursday Jan 28, 2021

BIO: Dr. Eric Nepute is a licensed primary care provider in the state of Missouri. He is the CEO of 6 major wellness centers, labs, a health based media company, and an international Nutrition and education company. Dr. Nepute’s unique approach to health and wellness has led him to grow one of the largest health and wellness organizations in the country. Currently Dr. Nepute owns and operates 12 facilities, and manages or affiliates with an additional 32 offices. Dr. Nepute also trains and consults hundreds of physicians across the country and has helped thousands of patients get their lives back with his methods. Dr. Nepute has Advanced training and certifications in functional neurology, Orthomolecular nutrition, Internal health, strength and condition, as well as advanced biomechanics
In this conversation, we talked about
family culture
faith vs fear
wellness vs illness
underlying cause vs symptomatic treatment
and more
Contact: www.ericnepute.com Follow him in different social media platforms
Quantum Nurse: Positively Possible: "I choose to think positive thoughts. I reject negative ones. MY very being responds to every positive thought I think and every uplifting word I speak. My positive attitude inspires others also to look on the bright side of situations, rejecting the negative. " (
Read this loud 3 x in the morning, noon, evening and bedtime. Feel the energy of each word.)
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com/
Donation is welcome. https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=FHUXTQVAVJDPU
This will cover the cost to sustain Quantum Nurse Podcast and reach out to a massive global audience for knowledge and empowerment to reclaim holistic health and freedom for everyone.
"Education is the key to unlock the golden door to freedom." George Washington Carver

Monday Jan 25, 2021

Julie E, MPH, RD is a licensed dietitian, functional medicine expert and a Master in Public Health - with a passion for helping people improve their health with her infinite tool chest of remedies. For over 3 decades Julie has been working with individuals of all ages to help find the root of their health ailments, and treat them naturally. An anti Aging expert, Julie has reversed her telomeres & cellular health to that of a 12 year old. Her international practice includes parents, kids, pets and celebrity athletes. On her website (JulieEhealth.com) and her social media she educates us on her secrets to health including unique tips such as the 5 missing things to all health regimens, how to care for your assembly line, and keeping both the emotional body and the BioField strong.
How to anti-age your body and mind included topics on:
1) The missing things from all other regimens
2) The problem with all or none living.
3) Should I eat paleo, keto, vegan or plant based?
Contact: www.JulieEHealth.com
and in various social media platforms
Quantum Affirmation: Seeing the Best in Others: I actively look for the best in every person I meet. I focus on their good qualities and encourage them to live their own best life. (Read it loud 3x in the morning, noon, evening and bedtime. Feel the energy in every word.)
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com/
Donation is welcome. https://www.paypal.com/donate?hosted_button_id=FHUXTQVAVJDPU
This will cover the cost to sustain Quantum Nurse Podcast and reach out to a massive global audience for knowledge and empowerment to reclaim holistic health and freedom for everyone.
"Education is the key to unlock the golden door to freedom." George Washington Carver

Wednesday Jan 20, 2021

Yukio Tsuji (Composer, Shakuhachi player, Percussionist ) He has been working as a composer and as a performer for more than 200 productions over the years. He worked with Estelle Parsons, Ellen Stewart, late Jerome Robins, Jullie Taymour, Sir Peter Hall, John Dexter, Andre Serban, Elizabeth Swados and many other major theater directors. He has been the house composer/musician at Lamama ETC for over twenty five years, and he performed on Ellen Stewart's famous "MEDEA" ,"ELECTRA" "TROJAN WOMEN" "SEVEN" and countless numbers of productions since 1980.
He composed more than twenty five hours of music for Kei Takei's "Moving Earth" Dance Company alone. He composed and performed on Broadway production “ SALOME “ with Al Pacino, directed by Estelle Parsons, Two more productions with Al Pacino "OEDIPUS" and "FATHER". "MACBETH", "NIGHT OVER TAOS" also directed by Estelle Parsons. Co-arranged and performed on Broadway Production “M.BUTERFLY”, Composed and performed on the title music of the movie “ YEAR OF THE DRAGON". "TRANSPOSED HEAD" directed by Julie Taymor, 9 Acts Production “ TANTALAS “ directed by Sir Peter Hall with Royal Shakespeare Company. "WATERMIL" Directed by Jerome Robins with New York City Ballet. “Window of The City” of Shanghai Expo. And he is a member of New York based group "SaraGalas Band" with Sara Galassini. He has been a member of this Filipino Culture group KS over 20 years.
In this conversation, we talked about 1) His process in composing music 2) Life in general in different countries 3) How art affect human life 4) What we can do in this crisis
Quantum Affirmation: Refreshing Exercise: "I thrive on going outside to receive sunshine and fresh air. I exercise my muscles regularly to stay in top shape. I take pride in my appearance. I have a healthy glow."" (Read out loud 3x in the morning, noon, evening and bedtime. Feel the words.)
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com/

Saturday Jan 16, 2021

January 16, 2021 @ 12:00 PM EST (5:00 UK, 6:00 PM Germany)
Featuring: Matt Briggs – author, The Price of Panic: How the Tyranny of Experts Turned a Pandemic into a Catastrophe
( by Jay W. Richards Ph.D. (Author), William M. Briggs Ph.D. (Author), Douglas Axe Ph.D. (Author)
Chris Ryan
Grace Asagra
Podcast: Quantum Nurse
Hartmut Schumacher
Roy Coughlan
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com/

Wednesday Jan 13, 2021

January 13, 2021 @ 12:00 PM EST (5:00 UK, 6:00 PM Germany)
Featuring: Attorney Thomas Renz
President Trump recently said that COVID data is far exaggerated, which falls in line with the lawsuit that several attorneys and doctors have filed in 2 states and nationally. Atty Tom Renz is the lead Attorney in 3 major cases brought in Ohio, New Mexico, and Nationally regarding the unconstitutional COVID-19 lockdowns, mask mandates, business closures and more. His focus is serving justice with integrity at Renz Law Firm. Renz Law has been hired to fight for the rights of Americans by ensuring that the Constitution is honored during the response to COVID-19. While Tom recognizes that this fight is controversial, he believes it simply should not be. The Constitution of the United States does not allow for states to disregard the rights of American citizens without meeting the appropriate levels of judicial scrutiny. For fundamental rights, the State bears the burden of proof and must ensure our rights are only limited to the extent necessary to achieve a compelling governmental interest. Renz says "That simply is not happening."
Attorneys, Doctors, and several Citizen's Rights Groups have joined together to file 3 first of a kind lawsuits challenging the entire premise of COVID-19 from PCR testing, death numbers, business & church shutdowns, masks mandates, and vaccines. This all encompassing lawsuit's lead Attorney Thomas Renz says "Yes, COVID-19 the virus is real. But that's where reality stops. We have evidence of data manipulation of "cases" and "death numbers". We have evidence of money exchanged to create/manipulate an increase in the number of cases and deaths. And, it is our contention that manipulated data is being used to create fear in our citizens which is leading to people giving up their Constitutional Rights Certain people in government and positions of authority in medicine are using that fear to brazenly and brutally strip away our freedoms, and it must stop."
"Our lawsuit's goal is not money. Our lawsuit's goal is to make the devastating government lockdowns stop once and for all and to give the citizens of this great country their medical freedom back" added Renz. Though Renz does not rule out a future class action lawsuit by business owners across America that have lost billions due to the lockdowns. "These outrageous lockdowns based on false data, hyped by the media, and censored by social media, have led to suicides increasing, drug use and abuse increasing, domestic abuse increasing, loss of jobs/ homes/ and people's ability to keep businesses operational. It's completely unconstitutional. This can not and will not stand. Americans must be made whole."
Link to follow Atty Thomas Renz Ohio Stands Up, Make Americans Free Again, several Doctors and Attorneys have joined in support of these lawsuits.
Quantum Affirmation: Calm and Centered: "I choose to remain calm even in stressful or unexpected situations. I remember to breathe deeply and fully to stay centered throughout the day. I resolve situations calmly and fairly. " (Read out loud 3x in the morning, noon, evening and bedtime.)
Contact for Grace Asagra : https://linktr.ee/GraceAsagra
Complimentary coaching call: https://mailchi.mp/846b3db7f4ac/book-coaching-call-with-grace-asagra
Apple podcast https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/quantum-nurse-out-rabbit-hole-from-stress-to-bliss/id1522579988
Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YOU-Tube https://www.youtube.com/channel/UClqd7GO0k-pjBvSO-C22EW
Immune Supplements for Individualized Program https://prlabs.com/

Grace Asagra

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