Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Bliss
Grace understands the complexity of wellness, joy and longevity in these current times. Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Bliss. Quantum Nurse (QN) is a source of world views of documented truth, actual science, established facts, un-biased health/medical information and unmanipulated data in a world that seems to be lost in fear and confusion

Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Thursday Apr 29, 2021
Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurse.life presents
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Saturday, April 24, 2021 @ 12:00 PM EST 5:00 PM UK 6:00 PM Germany
Guest: Gabriele-Kathlen Kowalski, MA,BA
Topic: The Cosmic Approach to understand the ongoing process in the 3D on earth. (Part 2 )
BIo:Gabriele-Kathlen Kowalski has a Master in Business Administration and studied Economics, communication science and psychology with xy. She is author of the book STARBORN, a call to the humanity and works as the CEO of the Delta institute in Munich by which she offers change management, business development and coaching. She has initiated and has been managing the Avalon Earth Project and works as embassador for the cosmic council and as telepath. As Journalist she worked for magazines, radio stations and TV as well as in the scientific field and she gives lectures at universities in Germany an in foreign countries. Since 30 years she has been taught by the cosmic council as a cosmic telepath and teaches her wisdom and knowledge in seminars and by her Avalon-Earth Project. www.deltainstitut.de www.avalon-earth.deYouTube: Avalon Earth YouTube: Deltainstitut info@deltainstitut.de info@avalon-earth.de Dear Gabriele, welcome to our show „The Freedom Broadcasters.
In this episode, so many profound things were shared by Gabrielle. Instead of me writing it down for you, it is important that you hear her share and feel the energy in what she is sharing.
Interview Panel
Dr. Karl Moore, PhD
Podcast: Made in Nature
Grace Asagra
Podcast: Quantum Nurse
Hartmut Schumacher
Roy Coughlan
Steve Fierro
Podcast: Awakened Mind
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Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
Tuesday Apr 27, 2021
QUANTUM NURSE www.quantumnurse.life presents
Guest: Christian de la Huerta
Topic: Reclaim Your Power & Release Your Inner Hero
Tuesday: April 22, 2021 @ 2:00 PM EST 7:00 PM UK 8:00 PM Germany
Bio: With 30 years of experience, Christian de la Huerta is a sought-after spiritual teacher, personal transformation coach and leading voice in the breathwork community. He has traveled the world offering inspiring and transformational retreats combining psychological and spiritual teachings with lasting and life-changing effects. An award-winning, critically acclaimed author, he has spoken at numerous universities and conferences and on the TedX stage. His new book, Awakening the Soul of Power, was described by multiple Grammy Award–winner Gloria Estefan as “a balm for the soul of anyone searching for truth and answers to life’s difficult questions.” More information about his work may be found at www.SoulfulPower.com.
New book: https://soulfulpower.com/Awakening-The-Soul-Of-Power-Book/
New year long coaching program—Adventures in Transformation: https://soulfulpower.com/offerings/retreats/adventures-in-transformation/
Grace Asagra, RN MA
Podcast: Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Bliss
Donate to support Quantum Nurse Podcast Production. Mabalos. Thank you.
View @ Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YouTube

Monday Apr 26, 2021
Monday Apr 26, 2021
Quantum Nurse Presents
(Affiliate website)
Tuesday April 20, 2021 @ 2:00 PM EST 7:00 PM UK 8:00 PM Germany
Guest: David Ditchfield
Topic: Near Death Experience: Shine On
A few years ago, David was dragged under a speeding train in a freak accident. As the surgeons fought to save him, he had a profound Near-Death Experience.
When he woke up in a hospital, he found he had acquired astonishing new abilities.
The first, an ability to create dramatic paintings of what he’d seen in the afterlife.
The second, the ability to compose classical music, despite being unable to read or write any musical notation to this day.
His debut symphony premiered at a sell-out orchestral concert to a standing ovation. He has since composed further classical works, also premiered at sell-out performances and continues to paint and compose.
The Divine Light, premiered at a sell-out orchestral concert to a standing ovation. He lives, paints and composed in a converted riverside mill near Cambridge, UK.
SHINE ON tells that story.
Interview Panel
Dr. Karl Moore, PhD
Podcast: Made in Nature
Dr. Jayne Marquis, ND
Podcast: INpowered Mind Body Integration
Dr. Mary Elizabeth Mansfield, PhD
Podcast: Mindful Empowerment
Grace Asagra, RN MA
Podcast: Quantum Nurse
Hartmut Schumacher
Steve Fierro
Podcast: Awakened Mind
Donate to support Quantum Nurse Podcast Production. Mabalos. Thank you.
View Video Podcast: Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YouTube Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra Bitchute

Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Quantum Nurse https://www.quantumnurse.life/ presents
Saturday April 17, 2021 @ 12:00 PM EST 5:00 PM UK 6:00 PM Germany
Guest: Bio: Gregory Wrightstone
Topic: Inconvenient Facts: The CO2 Coalition (Part 2)
Bio: Gregory Wrightstone is a geologist and Executive Director of the CO2 Coalition, a non-profit organization established to educate the public about the vital contribution made by carbon dioxide to our lives and our economy. He is also the author of the bestselling book Inconvenient Facts – the science that Al Gore doesn’t want you to know. Greg’s expertise on climate change was recently confirmed by his acceptance as an “Expert Reviewer” for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (AR-6).
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TheCO2Coalition/
Author Inconvenient Facts: https://inconvenientfacts.xyz/
(Affiliate website)
Interview Panel
Dr. Karl Moore, PhD
Podcast: Made in Nature
Grace Asagra
Podcast: Quantum Nurse
Hartmut Schumacher
John Katsavos
Podcast: The Fitness Oracle
Steve Fierro
Podcast: Awakened Mind
Donate to support Quantum Nurse Podcast Production. Mabalos. Thank you.
View Video Podcast: Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YouTube Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra Bitchute

Sunday Apr 25, 2021
Sunday Apr 25, 2021
QUANTUM NURSE www.quantumnurse.life presents
Guest: Robert Slovak
Topic: Water Wellness & Threats to Humanity
Tuesday: April 13, 2021 @ 2:00 PM EST 7:00 PM UK 8:00 PM Germany
Robert Slovak is one of the world’s foremost water expert. He is a degreed Mechanical and Aeronautical & Astronautical engineer best known for co-founding Water Factory Systems in the early 1970’s. He and his brother were among the early developers of Reverse Osmosis (RO) technology and its many applications. Their successful innovations encompassed home and office RO drinking water systems, bottled water production, laboratory purification, hemodialysis, seawater desalination, microchip production, bottled water production, water vending, spot-free vehicle washing and scores more.
As a result of the rapid growth of RO applications, Robert’s ongoing seminars and a best-selling industry book on the subject of POU (Point of Use) Reverse Osmosis, he became a well-known figure in the water industry. In 1989 Water Factory Systems was purchased by CUNO Inc, a global leader in fluid treatment. Since then, it was acquired by the 3M Corporation, which continues to market many of their original products.
Robert officially retired from the US water industry in 1996 and went on to bring his knowledge and experience to Brazil, Asia and other international markets. He put together a team and published Agualatinomerica magazine to establish a legitimate water equipment and education infrastructure in Brazil and South America. His “students” continue to play a major role in Brazil’s water industry.
Recently, Robert’s 20-year interest in Deuterium Depleted Water (DDW) took a new direction forward. With the revival of Soviet-era research from the 1960's and recent announcements explaining the profound health benefits of DDW, Robert and his associate acted quickly in creating a new company, Litewater Scientific. Their strategy is to offer a more advanced and affordable brand of DDW for consumers and health practitioners. The Litewaterbrand of DDW is now available on www.drinklitewater.com in 1/2-liter (5 ppm) and 2-liter (10 ppm) bottles throughout North America.
Robert continues to be a very active figure in the rapidly expanding role of water in the wellness and anti-aging community, making appearances and presentations worldwide.
Quantum Affirmation: Trusting Inner Guidance: "After I have carefully studied a situation and obtained as much information as possible, I rely on facts as well as my own intuition and inner guidance to lead me to the right decisions in my practice. I am powerful" (Read this aloud 3x in the morning, noon, evening and bedtime. Feel each word.)
Grace Asagra, RN MA
Podcast: Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Bliss
Donate to support Quantum Nurse Podcast Production. Mabalos. Thank you.
View Video Podcast: Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra YouTube
View Video Podcast: Quantum Nurse Grace Asagra Bitchute

Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Thursday Apr 22, 2021
Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurse.lifepresents
Tuesday April 11, 2021 @ 11:00 AM EST 4:00 PM UK 5:00 PM
Freedom International Livestream
(affiliate website)
Guest: Sacha Stone
Topic: At the End of Evil Empire
Sacha is an activist, public speaker, publisher, writer and film-maker. Former rock musician and artist Sacha Stone grew up in Rhodesia-Zimbabwe throughout the war for independence. He established Humanitad in 1999 and has worked across both the NGO and IGO sectors as an outspoken advocate of human rights and natural justice. He has instigated peace initiatives and education programs, lobbied against human-rights abuses in different parts of the globe and continues to prosecute for the protection of vanguard innovators, scientists and doctors.
Sacha founded the New Earth Project an evolving blueprint for sustainable, sovereign and self-determining communities, headquartered out of the world renowned (Akasha) NewEarth Haven in Bali. Sacha is also founder of the ITNJ International Tribunal for Natural Justice, which launched under multilateral observership in June 2015 via a ceremonial seating and ratification ceremony at Westminster Central Hall in London on the 800th anniversary of the signing of Magna Carta. This new planetary court is committed to the dispensation of natural justice: www.humanitad.org
Interview Panel
Dr. Karl Moore, PhD
Podcast: Made in Nature
Dr. Jayne Marquis, ND
Podcast: INpowered Mind Body Integration
Dr. Mary Elizabeth Mansfield, PhD
Podcast: Mindful Empowerment
Grace Asagra, RN MA
Podcast: Quantum Nurse
Hartmut Schumacher
Donate to support Quantum Nurse Podcast Production. Mabalos. Thank you.

Monday Apr 19, 2021
Monday Apr 19, 2021
Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurse.life presents
Freedom International Livestream
(affiliate website)
Saturday, April 10 @ 12:00 PM EST 5:00 PM UK 6:00 PM Germany
GUEST: Dawn Lester and David Parker
why everything you thought you knew about disease is wrong
Dawn Lester and David Parker have backgrounds in the fields of Accountancy and Electrical Engineering, respectively.
These fields both require an aptitude for logic, which proved extremely useful for their investigation that has involved more than ten years continuous research to find answers to the question: what really makes people ill?
A popular saying, which is often attributed to Albert Einstein, claims that problems cannot be solved by using the same way of thinking that created them. The concept underlying this saying can be extrapolated to indicate that a problem can often be better understood by people outside of the discipline in which it occurs because they are not bound by any dogma or biases inherent within that discipline.
The authors’ investigation of why people become ill was conducted from a different perspective from that of the medical establishment; it was therefore free from the dogma and biases inherent within ‘medical science’. This unbiased and logical approach enabled them to follow the evidence with open minds and led them to discover the flaws within the information about illness and disease that is promulgated by the medical establishment.
The results of their investigation are revealed within their book: WHAT REALLY MAKES YOU ILL? WHY EVERYTHING YOU THOUGHT YOU KNEW ABOUT DISEASE IS WRONG.
Interview Panel
Chris Ryan
Grace Asagra
Podcast: Quantum Nurse
Hartmut Schumacher
Roy Coughlan
Donate to support Quantum Nurse Podcast Production. Mabalos. Thank you.

Monday Apr 12, 2021
Monday Apr 12, 2021
Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurs.life presents
(affiliate website)
TUESDAY April 6, 2021 @ 2:00 PM EST (7:00 UK, 8:00 PM Germany)
Guest: Celeste Solum-
https://celestialreport.com/ https://shepherdsheart.life/
Topic: Spellbook, Geomancer and Enhancing your Natural Immunization
Celeste Solum welcomes you to a vibrant, Jesus-center interactive news and community.. She dives deep in research and her reports will transform your mundane daily life into a vibrant, overcoming force that impacts everyone around you.
Celeste Solum was born for such a time as this. God strategically and gently placed her in careers, events, and situations that are now converging during these End Times. Celeste maintains her strong faith by continual study from the primary languages and concepts of the Bible. She actively explores the depths of faith; is an active prayer warrior skilled in spiritual warfare.
Celeste grew up in a military & governmental home with her father working for the Naval Warfare Center and managing public lands in Washington State and California. Her training and activations include the infamous day of 911, flood and earthquake operations, mass casualty exercises, and numerous other operations. Celeste is FEMA certified.
Celeste also has education and experience in nursing, pediatrics, dentistry, environmental medicine, and alternative medicinal remedies.
She is your gateway to the truth in a world of deception.
Interview Panel
Dr. Karl Moore, PhD
Podcast: Made in Nature
Dr. Jayne Marquis, ND
Podcast: INpowered
Dr. Mary Elizabeth Mansfield, PharmD
Podcast: Mindful Empowerment
Grace Asagra, RN MA
Podcast: Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Bliss
Hartmut Schumacher

Monday Apr 05, 2021
Monday Apr 05, 2021
Guest Bio * Keith Carlson, BSN, RN, NC-BC is an expert career coach, freelance writer, podcaster, motivational speaker, and award-winning nurse blogger. Keith’s podcast, The Nurse Keith Show, offers invaluable information for nurses and healthcare professionals seeking career satisfaction, deeper knowledge, and interviews with high-level healthcare leaders and influencers. His platforms reach nurses worldwide, and he can be found at NurseKeith.com and on social media. He lives in Santa Fe, NM with his remarkably intelligent cat, George.
https://www.keithrn.com/ https://nursekeith.com/the-nurse-keith-show/
Topics included in this episode includes:
*The crucial importance of bringing authenticity to life and work.
*How emotional and relational intelligence relate to authenticity.
*Personal development as a key to professional development
*Living according to your values
Quantum Affirmation: Overcoming Fear: "I am not afraid. Whatever situation arises, I will get through it with my inner strength. I am powerful. (Say it out loud 3x in the morning, noon, evening and bedtime. Feel each word.)
Grace Asagra, creator, Podcast: Quantum Nurse: Out of the Rabbit Hole from Stress to Bliss
Broadcasting to Quantum Nurse YouTube and Grace Sunga Asagra Facebook
Donate to support Quantum Nurse Podcast Production. Mabalos. Thank you.

Saturday Apr 03, 2021
Saturday Apr 03, 2021
Quantum Nurse www.quantumnurs.life presents
Freedom International Livestream
Affiliate website
GUEST: Christopher James
Topic: A Warrior Calls: One Truth Will Save the World”
Christopher James is a man with a keen eye for anomalies, a mindset inclined to look beyond the beyond, and a compelling desire to dig far deeper than the surface dirt to reach the bedrock of truth. As a professional recording and studio engineer, his listening skills are highly acute, so watch what you say under your breath or under oath, especially if it is not true.
His tenacity, persistence and people skills may have been imparted through his father, a genuine old school door-to door Fuller Brush Man. At the time of his father’s retirement, he discovered some very disturbing discrepancies within the company’s pension fund. Ironically, they felt entitled to give hundreds of lifelong employees the brush off. Christopher dug in.
He uncovered millions of pension dollars being surreptitiously diverted by new corporate owners. He then spearheaded an investigative audit and several successful FOIA initiatives.
Things were proceeding very well until the lawyer handling the case made some most egregious and unauthorized concessions, as once again further substantial financial diversions took place. Christopher then realized a secretive deal had been made between the prosecution and his own entrusted counsel.
That breach of trust triggered insights to be activated to the point of realizing that; the “Bar” to which our legal professionals are called to may not be set as high as we think and that wizards are not the only mythical characters wearing robes.
The deck is indeed stacked. Our very own courtrooms themselves are operating as a house of cards dealt by sleight of hand… all to merely enable the greatest “card trick” since the dawn of mankind. As cryptic as some of this may initially sound, Christopher’s laser focus upon certain “Foundational Knowledge” swiftly cuts through the mystique and assumptions that have long held us all captive to deceit, and as virtual slaves to our own ignorance and unconscious incompetence…
Chris Ryan
Grace Asagra
Podcast: Quantum Nurse
Hartmut Schumacher
Roy Coughlan
Donate to support Quantum Nurse Podcast Production. Mabalos. Thank you.